How do you read an act of law?

How do you read an act of law?

There are some methods or techniques, which you can follow while reading Bare Acts for a clear understanding of the law.

  1. Know the purpose of the Act.
  2. Read the interpretation/definition clause.
  3. Interpret literally.
  4. Break sentences into parts and read.
  5. Give special attention to some terms.
  6. The help of the Standard Textbook.

How do you write section and subsection in law?

If you are specifying a paragraph or subsection as part of a section, use just the abbreviation for the section. For example, paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 15 of the Human Rights Act 1998 is expressed as: Human Rights Act 1998, s 15(1)(b).

How do you read and understand statutes?

5 Tips for Reading Statutes

  1. (1) Slow down! Don’t read too fast.
  2. (2) Put the statute in its proper context. Law students (and lawyers) often try to read statutes without putting them in context.
  3. (3) Pay attention to the details.
  4. (4) Break the statute down into smaller pieces.
  5. (5) Use cases to inform your understanding of the statute.

What are the three main rules of statutory interpretation?

In the construction (interpretation) of statutes, the principle aim of the court must be to carry out the “Intention of Parliament”, and the English courts developed three main rules (plus some minor ones) to assist them in the task. These were: the mischief rule, the literal rule, and the golden rule.

What is the golden rule of interpretation?

It is the modification of the literal rule of interpretation. The golden rule tries to avoid anomalous and absurd consequences from arising from literal interpretation. In view of the same, the grammatical meaning of such words is usually modified.

What is Ejusdem generis rule?

Related Content. A Latin phrase meaning “of the same kind”. The rule requires that where in a statute there are general words following particular and specific words, the general words must be confined to things of the same kind as those specifically mentioned.

What is the literal rule in law?

The literal rule says that the intention of Parliament is best found in the ordinary and natural meaning of the words used. If judges are permitted to give an obvious or non-literal meaning to the words of parliamentary law, then the will of Parliament, and thereby the people, is being contradicted.

What is Noscitur a Sociis?

The principle of Noscitur a Sociis is a rule of construction. It is one of the rules of language used by court to interpret legislation. This means that, the meaning of an unclear word or phrase should be determined by the words immediately surrounding it.

What is Reddendo Singula Singulis?

Reddendo Singula Singulis “Reddendo singula singulis” is a Latin term that means by referring each to each; referring each phrase or expression to its corresponding object.

What is Litera Legis?

Giving words their ordinary and natural meaning is known as literal interpretation or litera legis. It is the duty of the court not to modify the language of the Act and if such meaning is clear and unambiguous, effect should be given to the provisions of a statute whatever may be the consequence.

What is bonam Partem?

In India, the interpretation of words in Bonam partem is to mean the interpretation of the words of a statute are to be interpreted in their rightful and lawful sense, with the provisions of Income Tax Act of 1961 being filled out as an exception. to the statutory certificate.

What is sententia legis?

The maxim Sententia legis or mens means that the essence of the law lies in the spirit, and not in its letter, the letters are just the way to express the intentions of the law makers. The words are the external manifestation of intention that it involves.

What is rule of harmonious construction?

Harmonious construction is a principle of statutory interpretation used in the Indian legal system. It holds that when two provisions of a legal text seem to conflict, they should be interpreted so that each has a separate effect and neither is redundant or nullified.

What is doctrine of Repugnancy?

The doctrine of Repugnancy essentially deals with the conflict between the laws of Centre and State. According to Black’s Law Dictionary, Repugnancy could be defined as an inconsistency or contradiction between two or more parts of a legal instrument (such as a statute or a contract).

What is doctrine of occupied field?

As per the doctrine of “occupied field” enshrined in Article 254(1) of the Constitution, if there exists a Central law on a concurrent subject, then a State law cannot override it. It argued that the 2013 law was making the acquisition of land harder by empowering those whose land was previously forcibly acquired.

What is doctrine of severability?

The doctrine of severability means that when some particular provision of a statute offends or is against a constitutional limitation, but that provision is severable from the rest of the statute, only that offending provision will be declared void by the Court and not the entire statute.

What is doctrine of colourable legislation?

The doctrine of colourable legislation refers to the question of competency of the legislature while enacting a provision of law. Legislature of a federal state is accountable to its people and the legislation has different power which is vested upon it by the constitution.

What is doctrine of territorial nexus?

Doctrine of territorial nexus says that laws made by a state legislature are not applicable outside the state, except when there is a sufficient nexus between the state and the object.

What is doctrine of pith and substance in Indian Constitution?

The Doctrine of Pith and Substance: The power granted to legislatures to formulate a statute under three lists of the seventh schedule in the Constitution of India is bound to overlap at certain points but this can’t be used as a reason to make the whole statute null and void.

What do you mean by doctrine of pith and substance?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Pith and substance is a legal doctrine in Canadian constitutional interpretation used to determine under which head of power a given piece of legislation falls.

What is the constitutional basis of doctrine of severability in India?

The doctrine derives its validity from Article 13 which states, “All laws in force in India, before the commencement of the Constitution, in so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of fundamental rights shall to the extent of that inconsistency be void.”

Is a severability clause necessary?

The severability clause helps parties determine and then address the needs of all parties in different likely scenarios. For example, the non-compete clause of a contract of sale of a business may be invalidated by a court. The non-compete clause may also be essential to the nature of the transaction.

What is doctrine of separability?

The doctrine of separability is one of the conceptual and practical cornerstones of international arbitration. It means that the arbitration clause in a contract is considered to be separate from the main contract of which it forms part and as such survives the termination, breach and invalidity of that contract.

What is the meaning of severable?

capable of being severed

What is severable vs non-severable?

(a) “Severable services” means services that are continuing and ongoing in nature—such as help-desk support, maintenance, or janitorial services—for which benefit is received each time the service is rendered. Contracts for goods or non-severable services are not similarly limited.

Is envisaged meaning?

transitive verb. 1 : to view or regard in a certain way envisages the slum as a hotbed of crime. 2 : to have a mental picture of especially in advance of realization envisages an entirely new system of education.

What is the meaning of severability?

Severability, also known by the Latin term “salvatorius” is a provision in a piece of legislation or a contract that allows the remainder of the legislation’s or contract’s terms to remain effective, even if one or more of its other terms or provisions are found to be unenforceable or illegal.

What is a section in law?

A section refers to a distinct portion or provision of a legal code or set of laws, often establishing a particular legal requirement. For example- Section 5 of the Indian Contract Act.

Which bare act is best?


  • Indian Contract Act by Dr R.K Bangia (must read book) (I study from this book in Library.)
  • Contract Act by Pollock and Mulla.
  • Contract Act Bare Act by Universal (I have this book)
  • Contract Act Bare Act by Professionals. More Indian Contract Act Books.

How do you memorize bare acts?

How to Memorise Bare Act Sections

  1. Go through the contents or index page of the bare act in the morning.
  2. Make sure you try to learn ten sections a day.
  3. Always make a habit of revising at least fifteen sections every day.
  4. Write the section and article names in a notebook.

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