How do you read dates in Polish?

How do you read dates in Polish?

To write the date out in long-form, you use the word for the month and the numeric form of the day and year. So November 1, 2018 would be 1 listopada 2018. Sometimes, people will put an “r” at the end, which stands for rok, meaning “year”.

What month is Maja in Polish?


How do you say seasons in Polish?

Polish Six Seasons: A Guide

  1. Zima – winter – January, February.
  2. Przedwiośnie – pre-spring – March, April.
  3. Wiosna – spring – May, June.
  4. Lato – summer – July, August.
  5. Złota Polska Jesień – Golden Polish Summer – September, October.
  6. Jesień – autumn – November, December.

What month is Kwiecien?

April 2020 Calendar – Poland.

What does April mean in Polish?


What are the Four Seasons in Polish?


English Polish
Spring Listen to Pronunciation wiosna
Summer Listen to Pronunciation lato
Autumn / Fall Listen to Pronunciation jesień
Winter Listen to Pronunciation zima

Are months capitalized in Polish?

Polish does not capitalize the months and days of the week, nor adjectives and other forms derived from proper nouns (for example, angielski “English”).

What month is Czerwiec?


What are the months in Slovak?

Many months have several alternative names in different regions; conversely, a single “Slavic name” may correspond to different “Roman names” (for different months, usually following each other) in different languages….Comparison table.

Language Slovak (archaic)
March brezen
April duben
May kveten
June lipen

What are the months in English?

The months of the year in English are:

  • January.
  • February.
  • March.
  • April.
  • May.
  • June.
  • July.
  • August.

How do you say three in Polish?

Part 1 of 3: Pronouncing the Numbers

  1. One: jeden (ye-den)
  2. Two: dwa (dva)
  3. Three: trzy (tshih)
  4. Four: cztery (chte-rih)
  5. Five: pięć (pyen’ch’)

How does Polish grammar work?

The grammar of the Polish language is characterized by a high degree of inflection, and has relatively free word order, although the dominant arrangement is subject–verb–object (SVO). There are no articles, and there is frequent dropping of subject pronouns.

How do adjectives work in Polish?

Polish adjectives always change their form to agree with the gender, number, and case of the word they modify, and in most cases, the modified word is a noun. While each adjective has a considerable number of possible endings, their declension is actually very regular.

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