How do you recruit a lifeguard?

How do you recruit a lifeguard?

Here are a few effective ways to recruit lifeguards to your aquatic facility.

  1. Announce Your Openings on Your Website.
  2. Publicize Your Benefits.
  3. Post on Social Media.
  4. Showcase Your High-tech Scheduling and Tracking App.
  5. Reach Out to High School and College Students.
  6. Expand Your Search Beyond Teens and Young Adults.

Can a 15 year old be a lifeguard in MA?

Fifteen-year-olds, but not youth less than 15 years of age, may be employed as lifeguards at traditional swimming pools and most facilities of water amusement parks. The 15-year-old must be trained and certified by the American Red Cross, or a similar certifying organization, in aquatics and water safety; and.

Where does a life guard work?

Lifeguards work at beaches, rivers, swimming pools, and water parks where they ensure the safety of swimmers and water sports participants. Lifeguards explain and enforce safety rules, rescue people in danger, and use their knowledge of first aid to save lives.

Do lifeguards get paid for inservice?

If you work, you get paid. Hourly employees must be paid for everything they do, including training. There is no “pre-work” and there is no “post-work” and there is no “onboarding” and there is no “offboarding” for which you are not paid. If you are working, you are paid.

Can 12 year olds be lifeguards?

The truth is that your son or daughter need only be 13 years of age to take their Bronze Medallion, the first Lifesaving course on the way to becoming a lifeguard. Beside above, can you be a lifeguard at 12? You must be at least 12 years old and have your Swim Kids Level 10 or higher.

Can I be a lifeguard if I wear glasses?

Qualities of a good lifeguard Don’t worry if you wear glasses / contact lenses. These shouldn’t pose a problem as long as you can perform all the tasks in the lifeguard course without them.

How many lifeguards die each year?

Each year, about 4,000 people die from drowning in the United States (National Center for Health Statistics, 2000). Lifeguards assume a huge responsibility of keeping swimmers safe….Prognosis.

Duration of submersion Risk of death or poor outcomes
11–25 min 88%
>25 min nearly 100%

Is passing the lifeguard test hard?

It’s hard if you arent physically ready or a weak swimmer in general. But, everything else comes with demonstration and practice. The actual tests consist of 2 written test, and one mock test where you must rescue someone, use a backboard to extract them, then tend to them depending on their medical emergencies.

Why can’t lifeguards wear goggles?

Submerging to a depth of 5 feet or greater has the potential to cause barotraumas to the eye of an individual wearing swim goggles that cannot be pressure equalized.” (Also, a lifeguard would not have the time to put on goggles just before they do a rescue, and would not wear them all the time to guard.)

Is a 300 yard swim hard?

Swimming 300 yards is a daunting task for many, and it will be less taxing and more physically beneficial if you choose the proper stoke. Freestyle can pose challenges, but with practice, you’ll be able to easily swim a smooth and effortless 300 yards.

How many laps is a 300 yard swim?

What does swimming 300 yards, six laps in the YWCA pool, without stopping feel like?

Which is the easiest swimming stroke?


How long is one lap in a pool?

50 meters

What is the most difficult stroke in swimming?

Butterfly expends the most energy of the three, and is usually considered the hardest stroke by those endeavoring to master it.

What is the most relax stroke?

Breaststroke Along with backstroke, this is the only other swimming stroke that’s thought of as ‘relaxing’.

What is the 2 fastest stroke?

There are two underwater strokes that are faster: the dolphin kick and the fish kick. These involve moving the legs together up and down while flexing the body and keeping one arm straight out in front in the direction of travel.

What is the fastest stroke?


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