How do you reference a website in APA with no author?

How do you reference a website in APA with no author?

Revised on December 21, 2020. This article reflects the APA 7th edition guidelines….No author or title.

Format [Description of page]. (Year, Month Day). Website Name. URL
In-text citation ([Article about APA citations], 2020)

Which citation is correct for a website?

Luckily, writing the in-text citation for a website or webpage is easy: Simply include the author and year of publication. The URL goes in the corresponding reference list entry (and yes, you can leave the links live).

How do you use a website in a sentence?

Maybe there’s an ‘I hate Jackson Parrish’ website out there. The military doesn’t buy their haircuts, website design, or piano lessons. A website called Wolfram Alpha is amazing to me, especially in its aspirations. He logged into the computer and clandestine website , sending Damian an urgent message.

How do you cite a TED talk in APA in text?

To cite a TED Talk in APA Style, the format differs slightly depending on whether you viewed it on TED’s website or on YouTube….How to cite a TED Talk in APA Style.

Format Speaker last name, Initials. (Year, Month). Talk title [Video]. TED Conferences. URL
In-text citation (Sivaram, 2020)

How do you cite a TED talk in an essay?

To cite a TED Talk from the TED website in MLA, list the name of the speaker, the talk title, “TED: Ideas Worth Spreading,” the month and year, and the URL. In an in-text citation, you can use a timestamp to highlight a specific quote where necessary.

How do you do an APA in text citation?

Using In-text Citation APA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14). For sources such as websites and e-books that have no page numbers, use a paragraph number.

What is a reference in a research paper?

A reference citation is the documentation needed to make your paper acceptable for academic purposes. It gives authoritative sources for your statements, helps the reader gain access to those sources, and acknowledges the fact that the information used in a paper did not originate with the writer.

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