
How do you reference an appendix example?

How do you reference an appendix example?

If you wish to refer to an appendix in someone else’s work, then you note this, along with a page number if appropriate, in the citation in your text, for example: It has been shown (Walsh, 2010 Appendix A p. 2) that The book, journal article etc is referenced in the normal way in your reference list.

Does appendicitis hurt when you lay down?

Most often, the pain you feel when you have appendicitis begins as a dull ache around your belly button that shifts to your lower right abdomen, where your appendix is located. Additionally, appendicitis pain: Begins suddenly; it often wakes people up at night.

What organ is right under your belly button?

The appendix is in the lower right side of your abdomen. It’s a narrow, tube-shaped pouch protruding from your large intestine. Although the appendix is a part of your gastrointestinal tract, it’s a vestigial organ. This means that it provides no vital function and that you may live a normal, healthy life without it.

What is the pain in the middle of my stomach?

Gastritis. Gastritis is the inflammation of your stomach’s lining, often caused by a bacterial infection. Excessive drinking and using pain relievers regularly can also lead to gastritis. The condition may cause a painful or burning ache in your upper abdomen that can ease or worsen with eating.

What does it mean when you pee and your stomach hurts?

It can be caused by something you ate, an infection, or even anxiety. Painful urination is a symptom that occurs when you experience discomfort during urination. It can be due to an infection or irritation of the tissues surrounding the urinary tract. Here are 14 possible causes of abdominal pain and painful urination.

Is it bad to push on your stomach?

OB-gyn, and ultrasound techs tend to push pretty hard on pregnant mom’s bellies, sometimes, to try to get baby to shift position, or just to get a good picture. It can be uncomfortable, but it isn’t harmful to the baby.

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