How do you remove a frozen bolt from an outboard motor?

How do you remove a frozen bolt from an outboard motor?

Put more penetrating oil in the holes then let it cool. Try to unscrew the bolt again. If it starts, then back it up to tight, then loosen it again to just slightly more than the first try. Keep tightening/loosening a little at a time until either the bolt unscrews, or breaks off.

How do you get a stuck drain plug out of a boat?

Get some PB Blaster penetrating catalyst. NOT WD40, NOT FREEZE OFF, nothing but PB BLASTER. Soak it good for 1-2 mins, then rap on the top of the Plug with a hammer firmly 3-4 times, then use the wrench, it should come off pretty easy.

Can I use regular gear oil in my lower unit?

So, can you use any old gear lube in your marine lower unit? If you want the best protection possible, and want your lower unit to last as long as your boat, then the answer is no. Consult your engine’s manual and look for the proper marine gear lube for your application.

How often should you change lower unit oil?

every 100 hours

Do you have to drain lower unit oil to change impeller?

Yes, you will need to drain the lower unit fluid.

Do I need to drain my lower unit?

Changing your lower-unit lube every fall is a necessity to eliminate any water and shavings before putting your boat to bed. At least once a year, preferably when the season ends, you need to drag the drain pan out, buy some new lube, and spend half an hour draining and refilling the unit.

When should I replace my impeller?

You should check the impeller’s condition during Spring Commissioning and every 200 hours of operation. Correctly installed impellers may last for several years, but you should stick to a schedule of preventative instead of emergency maintenance.

How much oil does a lower unit hold?


Lower Unit Oil Needed by Model
Model Approximate Fluid Ounces Required
25 (4-stroke) 9.5 fl oz
30 (2-stroke) 14.5 fl oz
30 (4-stroke) 9.5 fl oz

What do you do if your lower unit oil is cloudy?

You definitely have water in your lower unit oil. First check to see if the drain screw and vent screw have washers or o-rings on them. If not, I would put some on and try it out some more to see if it’s still leaking. If it is, get it to a shop.

How many quarts of oil does an engine hold?

Most engines require anywhere between 5 to 8 quarts of oil, depending on the engine size. The smaller the engine, the less oil required to fill the volume of the engine. A 4-cylinder engine usually requires around 5 quarts of oil. A 6-cylinder engine uses roughly 6 quarts.

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