How do you remove rear drum brakes?

How do you remove rear drum brakes?

Unscrew the brake drum if needed.

  1. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws securing the brake drum to the wheel.
  2. Draw the brake drum forcefully towards you.
  3. Use a screwdriver and rubber mallet or a brake drum puller to take the drum off of the wheel if you are unable to remove the drum by unscrewing it and pulling it.

How do you change rear brakes?

Project step-by-step (11)

  1. Remove the Rear Wheel. Start the process by placing wheel chocks in front of the front wheels.
  2. Remove Bolts from Caliper Brackets.
  3. Remove the Brake Pads.
  4. Reattach Caliper Bracket.
  5. Seat the New Brake Pads.
  6. Remount Wheel.
  7. A Note on Safety.

Do they check brake discs mot?

Brakes are one of the most used part of any vehicle so it is no surprise they are on of the main reasons so many vehicles fail their MOT. This is why during any MOT, the brake pads, discs and in some cases shoes, will be checked.

How do you know if your brake discs fail MOT?

A brake pedal will fail if its grooves or raised grip sections are worn smooth. However, it will not be a fail if the vehicle has been manufactured with one that doesn’t have grooves or anti-slip material.

Should brake pads and discs be replaced at the same time?

The answer is YES. For example, the brake discs do not need to be changed if the car is relatively new and there is still a lot of disc life left. They absolutely need to be changed if the discs are unevenly worn or badly scored. Braking force is created by the brake pad and brake disc.

How long does it take a mechanic to change brakes?

Usually, changing a set of brake pads takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour. If you have a professional complete the work, expect to pay for about an hour’s worth of labor. It’s worth pointing out that, as an amateur, it could take you upwards of 3 or 4 hours (maybe even longer) to replace your brake pads.

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