How do you remove the fan clutch on a Silverado?

How do you remove the fan clutch on a Silverado?

Attach a fan clutch wrench to the fan clutch. Remove the fan hub nut from the water pump by turning counterclockwise. Remove the fan from the vehicle and lay it blade face down on a workbench. Remove the fan bolts from the back of the fan clutch, then remove the old fan clutch from its housing.

How do you replace the fan clutch?

Part 1 of 1: Replacing your fan clutch

  1. Materials Needed.
  2. Step 1: Checking your fan clutch for problems.
  3. Step 2: Remove the fan shroud.
  4. Step 3: Remove the fan.
  5. Step 4: Rock from side to side.
  6. Step 5: Remove the bolts.
  7. Step 6: Install the new fan clutch.
  8. Step 7: Tighten the bolts.

How do I know if my fan clutch is bad?

To confirm the diagnosis, start with this simple test: Spin the fan as hard as you can on an engine that has not been started that day. If the fan rotates more than five times, you can bet the clutch is bad. You should feel some resistance and the fan may spin up to three times, depending on the ambient temperature.

Will a fan clutch tighten itself?

it will tighten itself down just fine.

Why does my clutch fan wobble?

If the pulley is wobbling with the fan, that implies the broken fan has taken out the waterpump from the vibration. If the fan clutch is gone, the fan wobbles, but not the pulley. The clutch is a large round unit between the fan and pulley.

How do I know if my fan clutch is reverse rotation?

Clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation of the fan blade is defined as viewed from the front of the vehicle looking toward the rear. The replacement counter-clockwise fan clutch will be marked “REVERSE”.

What noise does a bad clutch fan make?

Usually a bad fan clutch will sound like the fan blades rubbing against the radiator type noise. Or a rattle. An easy way to check a fan clutch, with the vehicle OFF, grab the fan blade and try to move it from front to rear of vehicle.

Do I need to replace fan clutch with water pump?

A worn out fan clutch can damage a new water pump, and a worn out water pump can damage a new fan clutch. These two connected, vital cooling components must be be replaced at the same time. The water pump moves the water and the fan clutch moves the air.

How much does it cost to replace a clutch fan?

For a clutch fan replacement, you will pay between $140 and $400, depending on the kind of car you own. The labor should cost you $70 to $130, while the parts can start at $75 and go up to nearly $300.

How long does it take to replace a fan clutch?

Q: How long does it take to repair fan clutch The fan clutch on most vehicles take less than an hours labor to replace. You would need to supply the vehicle year, make and model with engine size to get a more accurate labor for this job.

How do I know if my engine fan is working?

If your radiator fan has a fan clutch, check the radiator fan while the motor is running. The radiator fan should be running at more RPMs than the motor. If it is not, the fan clutch is bad and needs to be replaced. Some radiator fans are solid mounted, with no fan clutch.

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