
How do you say great advice?

How do you say great advice?

Synonyms for Good advice

  1. sound advice. n.
  2. great advice. n.
  3. useful advice. n.
  4. good counsel. n.
  5. helpful advice. n.
  6. good piece of advice.
  7. good tip. n.
  8. good tips.

Can you please advise or advice?

Do you use “Please advice” or “Please advise” in your emails? Well, the correct phrase is actually “Please advise”. Some grammar experts say that “Please advise” must have an object after the phrase because advise is a transitive verb. But since it’s widely used in our emails, “Please advise” is grammatically accepted.

Is Please advise rude?

In the end, there’s nothing grammatically wrong with “please advise.” It’s just a question of usage and style. Some people don’t like it because it can be interpreted as rude or demanding.

What does advice mean?

1. Advice, counsel, recommendation, suggestion, persuasion, exhortation refer to opinions urged with more or less force as worthy bases for thought, opinion, conduct, or action. Advice is a practical recommendation as to action or conduct: advice about purchasing land.

Is Please be informed rude?

1 Answer. Yes, “Please be informed that…” is correct, as is “For your information”. Both formulations are common and current. ‘Please be informed that’ is more polite than ‘This is to inform you that’.

How do you say please be informed?


  1. please note.
  2. please be aware.
  3. please consider.
  4. please be advised.
  5. let the record show.
  6. kindly note.
  7. please notice.
  8. please take note.

What does kindly note mean?

If you want to ask somebody to make pay attention to something, to remember it or to make a written note of it, you would say. Kindly note that… If you want to say that something caught your attention, you should say.

How do you use phrase in a sentence?

The simplest sentence consists only of a noun, a naming word, and a verb or action word. For example, in the sentence “Mary walked”, Mary is the naming noun and walked is the action verb. Quick activity: Write two examples of nouns and verbs, and then combine them to form sentences.

How do you label sentence patterns?

There are four basic patterns that are used when putting together a sentence:

  1. Subject + Verb (S + V)
  2. Subject + Verb + Direct Object (S + V + DO)
  3. Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object (S + V + IO + DO)
  4. Subject + Verb + Subject Complement (S + V + SC)

What are the 4 sentence patterns?

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators.

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