How do you say hello in Jordanian Arabic?

How do you say hello in Jordanian Arabic?

It is to say, however, that foreign tourists can get around Jordan without the need to be fluent in Arabic….The most common basic Arabic phrases used in Jordan.

English Arabic
Hello Salam – Marhaba
What is your name? Sho Ismak? (m) Sho Ismek? (f)
My name is … Ismi …

How do you say good morning in Jordan?

If you also struggle with English, consider taking a dictionary with you….Basic expressions / Common Words.

Usa Arabe
Good morning / Good evening Salam wa aleïkoum / Leïla saîda
How are you? Kifak ?
Fine, thank you, and you? Bikher hamdulillah

What dialect does Jordan use?


How do you respond to Tasharrafna in Arabic?

The correct reply is to use the same word. This is excellent for leaving someone you have just met. In some regions guests will say tasharrafna as a sign that they wish to leave their hosts. You can also use furSa sa3eeda (Nice to meet you).

What does Tafadal mean in Arabic?

Posted by yasmine on Nov 28, 2018 in Arabic Language, Culture. In Arabic, تفضل is derived from the root word فَضِل meaning “grace”, therefore, تفضل being the imperative form, means “be so gracious”. It is a polite way to express invitation of something or a polite request for someone to sit/eat/drink/enter/speak.

What does Afwan mean in Islam?

Afwan = You’re Welcome. Inshallah = God Willing (you will often hear this in response to anything tentative, when timing is in question, etc.)

What is the meaning of Ahlan wa Sahlan?

The Arabic words Ahlan wa Sahlan أَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا is a greeting, it’s both “Hello” and Welcome. The origin of the greeting goes back to Arabia pre-Islam. It’s short for a longer sentence which is حَلَلْتَ أَهْلاً، وَوَطِئْتَ سَهْلاً The meaning of Ahl أَهْل is “one’s own-people” or “family.” from the trilateral root .

What do you reply to Marhaba?

Marhaba (Welcome) It comes from the word “rahhaba” which means “to welcome”. The common reply is “Marhaban bik”, “Marhaban biki”, and “Marhaban bikum” to a male, female, and more than one person respectively.

How do you reply to Ahlan?

“Ahlan Wa Sahlan” (welcome) is the more formal version of “Ahlan”. The most common reply is “Ahlan bik” to a male or “Ahlan biki” to a female. To reply to more than one person, say, “Ahlan bikum. Marhaba (Welcome) It comes from the word “rahhaba” which means “to welcome”.

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