How do you say hello in Shakespearean English?

How do you say hello in Shakespearean English?

HELLO = = GOODBYE Good morning, Mrs. Patterson. God ye good den, Mistress Wolfe.

How do you say good morning professionally?

Different Ways To Say Good Morning

  1. Rise and shine! – This is usually said when you are in the process of waking someone from sleep.
  2. Top of the morning to you!
  3. Good day to you.
  4. Have a great day.
  5. Hello there!
  6. Wishing you the best for the day ahead.
  7. How are you this fine morning?
  8. Isn’t it a beautiful day today?

What can I say instead of morning?


  • cockcrowing.
  • dawning.
  • daybreak.
  • first light.
  • morn.
  • morning.
  • sunrise.
  • sunup.

What’s the best good morning text?

I don’t know what gets me more excited: the thought of meeting you in a few hours, or the dream I had of you last night. I hope your morning is as bright and gorgeous as your smile is to me. Good morning to the one who makes me smile and warms my heart each day. I love you more than ever.

What is a cute way to say good morning to a girl?

27 Super Sweet ‘Good Morning’ Texts Every Girl Deserves To Receive At Least Once

  1. Good morning beautiful!
  2. I love waking up and knowing I get to see you today.
  3. Stay put, I’m bringing you coffee in bed today.
  4. Every day I wake up thinking I’m the luckiest man ever because I have you.
  5. How’s my girl feeling this morning?

How do you say hi funny?

There are a bunch of things that you can do to make your day (and someone else’s) more interesting, even with something as small as how you greet them!…Saying Hello to Your Love

  1. ‘Ello, mate.
  2. Heeey, baaaaaby.
  3. Hi, honeybunch!
  4. Oh, yoooouhoooo!
  5. How you doin’?
  6. I like your face.
  7. What’s cookin’, good lookin’?
  8. Howdy, miss.

How do you say hello formally?

There are many other options, but here are six of the most common formal ways to say “hello”:

  1. “Hello!”
  2. “Good morning.”
  3. “Good afternoon.”
  4. “Good evening.”
  5. “It’s nice to meet you.”
  6. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” (These last two only work when you are meeting someone for the first time.)
  7. 7. “ Hi!” (
  8. 8. “ Morning!” (

How do you say hi in a text?

  1. 12 cute ways to say hi in a text message.
  2. #1 Make use of the emojis. The rosy-cheeked smiley face is my favorite one to use when saying hello because it is literally adorable.
  3. #2 Send a photo.
  4. #3 Videos are also an option.
  5. #4 Use a cute saying. “
  6. #5 Say hi in another language.
  7. #6 Open up with a joke.
  8. #7 *WAVES*.

How do British people say water?

Water = BBC America’s Mind the Gap polled our expat readers and a lot chimed in saying “water” is really hard for Americans to understand when said in a British accent. They don’t even know why! It comes across as “WAH-ta” vs. our “wodder.”

How do you say hi in British slang?

‘Hiya’ or ‘Hey up’ – these informal greetings both mean ‘hello’ and are especially popular in the north of England.

What is a git in British slang?

British slang : a stupid or worthless person (especially a man)

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