How do you say it can be argued?

How do you say it can be argued?

Synonyms for It could be argued

  1. it can be argued.
  2. it may be argued.
  3. it can be said.
  4. it could be said.
  5. one could argue.
  6. arguably. adv.
  7. it might be argued.
  8. one can argue.

What does argued mean?

1 : to give reasons for or against something : reason argue for a new policy. 2 : to contend or disagree in words : dispute They’re always arguing about money. transitive verb. 1 : to give evidence of : indicate The facts argue his innocence.

Would argue meaning?

In general when a person say or write “I would argue” it means that the person thinks that what s/he says is true, but does not claim that it is clearly proved. often the person offers reason — arguments — to support the view, but sometimes only implies that such arguments exist and could be brought forward.

What to say instead of some may argue?

Synonyms for One might argue that

  • it can be said that.
  • it can be argued that.
  • it may be argued that.
  • it might be argued that.
  • one can argue that.
  • one could argue that.
  • arguably. adv.
  • it could be argued that.

How many is a some?

Some said it meant three or four. Or maybe more. The answer is that there is no hard-and-fast answer.

What’s another word for few?

In this page you can discover 63 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for few, like: some, several, a couple of, scant, less, fewness, scarce, a-few, a handful, scattered and straggling.

What is an example called?

Some common synonyms of example are case, illustration, instance, sample, and specimen. While all these words mean “something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category,” example applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case.

What is a 4 letter word starting with D?

4 letter words that start with D

  • dabs.
  • dace.
  • dada.
  • dado.
  • dads.
  • daff.
  • daft.
  • dags.

What is a good word for D?

List of Positive Words That Start With D

Dear Dream Dreamer
Dynamic Delicious Desire
Devotion Desirable Discover
Discovery Diversity Divine
Delight Delighted Discreet

What is a 5 letter word starting with D?

5-letter words starting with D

dabba DABCO
dacks dadah
dadas daddy
dados Dadys
Daegu Daesh

What is a 6 letter word that starts with D?

6-letter words starting with D

dabbas dabbed
dahoon Dahurs
daidle daiker
daikon Dailys
daimen daimio

What are 5 letter words that start with A?

5-letter words starting with A

aahed AAION
aalii Aalst
aapas Aarau
aargh Aaron

What are 5 letter words that start with P?

5-letter words starting with P

paals Paarl
pagri Pahls
paige paiks
pails pains
paint paire

What is a 6 letter word starting with P?

6-letter words starting with P

pabble pablum
pacify pacing
packed packer
packet packly
pactum padang

What is a 7 letter word starting with P?

7-letter words starting with P

Paaliaq Paamese
paddies padding
paddled paddler
paddles paddock
padella Padgets

What is a bad word that starts with P?


  • piss.
  • prick.

How many P words are there?

There are 66162 words that start with P. Click on a word starting with P to see its definition.

What is the longest P word?


What is a good P word?

List of Positive Words That Start With P

Passion Passionate Playful
Playfulness Portray Patient
Patience Perfect Perfection
Peace Peacefulness Power
Powerful Please Pleasant

What starts with P and ends with S?

Start With P and End In S

Word Length Consonants
Pyxis 5 4
Pipistrellus 12 8
Ploys 5 4
Phlebothrombosis 16 11

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