How do you say Wish you were here in Farsi?

How do you say Wish you were here in Farsi?

Jâye shomâ khâli. Literally: You’re place was empty. Meaning: Wish you were here.

How do you say I wish you the best in German?

General Congratulations & Best Wishes Ich gratuliere! Congratulations! Alles Gute! All the best!

How do you say as you wish in German?

As you wish, Master. Wie Ihr befehlt, Meister.

How do you wish someone well in German?


  • Ich halte/drücke (dir) die Daumen. – I’ll cross my fingers (for you).
  • Hals- und Beinbruch! – Good luck!
  • (Ich wünsche) guten Appetit/gesegnete Mahlzeit.
  • Prost!/ Auf Ihr Wohl!/ Zum Wohl!
  • Ich wünsche Ihnen gute Reise!/ Gute Reise!
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
  • Gesundheit!

How do you greet a friend in German?

“Guten Tag” (Good day) or “Hallo” (Hello) are the most common verbal greetings used in Germany. In the South, some people may say “Grüß Gott” (literally translating as ‘Greet God’). In formal situations, one should address another person with their title and last name, “Herr” (Mr.) for men and “Frau” (Mrs.)

How do you reply to a guten tag?

with “You too” “Guten Tag” is used as a greeting, so you would rather say “Guten Tag” back than saying something like “you too”. If someone wishes you “einen schönen Tag”, you could say “dir auch (informal), Ihnen auch (formal) or “gleichfalls” (informal & formal).

What is the meaning of guten tag?

good day

What is Gute Nacht?

How to Say Gute Nacht (Good Night) in German.

What does здравствуйте mean in English?

It can also be said that здравствуйте means “I wish you to be healthy”.

What are some common German words?

The benefits of learning the most common German words first

  1. Hallo = Hello. Let’s naturally start with “Hallo” which means “Hello” in German.
  2. Liebe = Love. Love is a universal feeling and we definitely had to talk about it here.
  3. Glück = Happiness.
  4. Katze = Cat.
  5. Hund = Dog.
  6. Lächeln = Smile.
  7. Deutscher = German.
  8. Ja = Yes.

Is pointing rude in Germany?

This is considered a rude gesture. Don’t point your index finger to your own head. This is an insult.

What’s rude in Germany?

Germans are extremely punctual and well-mannered. Showing up late, losing your cool, or raising your voice are all considered rude and thoughtless. If you step out of line, don’t be surprised or offended if someone corrects your behavior, as this is very common in the German culture.

What gesture is illegal in Germany?

Today in Germany, Nazi salutes in written form, vocally, and even straight-extending the right arm as a saluting gesture (with or without the phrase), are illegal. The offence is punishable by up to three years in prison (Strafgesetzbuch section 86a).

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