How do you spell Noel for a girl?
Noelle or Noëlle is the feminine form of the gender neutral name Noel. It derives from the old French Noël, “Christmas,” a variant (and later a replacement) of nael, which itself derives from the Latin natalis, “birthday”.
Who is the most famous Noel?
Noel Gallagher is the most famous person named Noel.
Is Noelle good?
Noelle is best suited to a main DPS role due to her elemental burst that converts her normal attacks into geo AoE attacks. We recommend pairing her up with another geo character, such as Genshin Impact’s Zhongli, for an elemental resonance that increases overall geo damage.
Is Noelle bad Genshin?
Noelle. Noelle is an extremely defensive Geo Claymore character. She is most useful for early-game players thanks to her shield and healing ability. While her healing ability is weak, it can do the job in absence of a better healer.
What weapon is best for Noelle?
Recommended Weapon
Weapon | Details |
Sacrificial Greatsword | After damaging an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 30s. |
Is Noelle a healer Genshin?
Noelle (Geo) Defence based healer and support character. This healer will heal more when defence stat is higher.
Is a healer necessary Genshin?
Genshin Impact’s healers have one of the most important jobs in the game. Yet, also filling a widely needed niche, healers should be given even more thought than other positions on a team.
Can Noelle be a healer?
Noelle can be used a great defensive healer. The full Maiden Beloved artifact set helps boost her lower healing throughput to be more comparable to other healers.
Is Noelle a better healer than Barbara?
Barbara is a good choice if you have someone who needs constant healing without being swapped off the field, like Xiao or Razor during their bursts. However, she does apply the ‘wet’ status when she heals, so beware of getting frozen. Noelle is a combat healer. She cannot heal if she is not your active character.
Is Noelle a good support?
Support character: So, building Noelle will be beneficial if players lack a good Geo character or shields in Genshin Impact. A character who can provide a shield, heals, and has great damage output like Xingqiu, is surely a top-tier support character and must not be ignored.
How much does Noelle heal Genshin?
While active, Noelle’s Normal and Charged Attacks have a 50% chance to heal all characters based on her DEF stat. The shield also has 250% Geo DMG absorption efficiency.