How do you spell water in Cantonese?
水 (seoi2) water (noun)
What does Wah mean in Cantonese?
The Cantonese romanizations for 華and 花are Wah and Fa, respectively. 華, when pronounced in the fourth tone in Mandarin, is exclusively used in the name of Mount Hua and as a surname. The usual pronunciation of 華is huá, which literally means “prosper” and is used as a reference to the Chinese people.
How do you say hot water in Cantonese?
熱水 (jit6 seoi2 | ) : hot water – CantoDict.
How do you say drink in Cantonese?
What is “Drink” in Cantonese Chinese and how to say it?
- coffee. 咖啡
- coke. 可樂
- hot chocolate. 熱朱古力
- milk. 牛奶
- mineral water. 礦泉水
- orange juice. 橙汁
- soda. 蘇打水
- tea. 茶
What is cheers in Cantonese?
乾杯! English Translation- Cheers! / Dry the cup. This is the common way to say Cheers in Cantonese.
How do you say tea in Cantonese?
茶 (caa4 | cha2) : tea – CantoDict. 茶 is pronounced as de1 in Chaozhou dialect. English language modifies the sound as “tea”. Cantonese language retains the de1 sound and uses 嗲 for some de1 compound words that are related to “tea” in meaning.
Why is tea called Charlie?
The common term a nice cup of “char” for a cup of tea is thought to be derived from one of two possible sources. “Char” is most likely the Anglicisation of the Indian word for tea carried here from the early days of the British Empire and the trading activities of the East Indies Company.
What does Chei mean in Chinese?
Chei Surname Meaning It is the transliteration of a Chinese surname meaning: vermilion, cinnabar.
What is Jie Jie?
The Chinese word jiejie – 姐姐 – jiĕjie. (older sister in Chinese)
What does Chei mean?
also in·hib·it·er (ĭn-hĭb′ĭ-tər) One that inhibits, as a substance that retards or stops a chemical reaction.
What is Chei?
1) CHEI — Channel Hot Electron Injection.
What is a cuppa Charlie?
Kat SCuppa Charlie (slang for tea in uk) Tea Is A Cup Of Life.
Why do British say cuppa?
Originates from: The phrase has been used since the 1800s but originated as “my cup of tea” to describe something one would like. “Cuppa” is a more informal version of “cup of,” and is often even used to mean “cup of tea” on its own – “Fancy a cuppa?”
What is slang for tea?
T or Tea is slang for gossip, situation, story or news. You can give Tea, get Tea or spill Tea. Tea is primarily used to describe gossip or refers to some juicy information. Instead of saying, “What is the new drama today?”, you can simply say, “Girl, what’s the tea?”
What is slang for gossip?
dirt (slang), gen (British, informal), hearsay, scuttlebutt (US, slang), goss (informal)
What does Stan mean in slang?
(Entry 1 of 2) slang, often disparaging. : an extremely or excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan On the drama side, Game of Thrones returns after its own year off, but for an abbreviated season that even the most die-hard Westeros stans seemed lukewarm about.—