How do you start a concession sentence?

How do you start a concession sentence?

You begin this paragraph by admitting that there are some who do not accept your thesis, and that there is the possibility for holding a different point of view. You then provide one or two reasons for holding such a point of view, reasons that work against your thesis.

What is thesis statement with concession?

Addressing Opposite Points One of the main purposes of a concession is to acknowledge another perspective. If you demonstrate that you understand a competing point, your concession can make your argument more authoritative. Thesis statements of this kind are very effective because they don’t follow a binary logic.

What is concession as a form of argument?

Concession is an argumentative strategy by which a speaker or writer acknowledges (or appears to acknowledge) the validity of an opponent’s point.

How do you write a good refutation paragraph?

The refutation paragraphs typically have:

  1. Introduce the Opposing Argument.
  2. Acknowledge parts of the opposition that are valid.
  3. Counter the Argument.
  4. Introduce the Conclusion.

How do you write an engaging introduction?

Use a stat or fact to convey importance.

  1. Keep your first sentence short.
  2. Say something unusual.
  3. Don’t repeat the title.
  4. Keep the introduction brief.
  5. Use the word “you” at least once.
  6. Dedicate 1-2 sentences to articulating what the article covers.
  7. Dedicate 1-2 sentences to explaining why the article is important.

How do you make a good rebuttal?

Either way, the key to a good rebuttal is proving that the opposing argument is irrelevant or contains logical fallacies. A great rebuttal is organized and easy to follow, and it includes the following: A statement of the counterargument. A statement of your position and why it differs from the counterargument.

How do I get a letter of reprimand removed?

Schedule a meeting with the supervisor and be contrite. Admit what you did was wrong and give your word that it will not happen again. Ask the supervisor to withdraw the letter of reprimand and replace it with a letter of warning. The letter of warning does not go in your official personnel file.

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