How do you take the seat off a 1986 Honda Shadow?

How do you take the seat off a 1986 Honda Shadow?

The Haynes manual says to put the key in the helmet lock and then turn the key counter clockwise then pull backwards on the seat and remove it.

How do you open the seat on a Honda Rebel?

Remove the Rear Seat

  1. Remove the two 8mm bolts from either side of the rear seat.
  2. Lift up on the rear seat while pulling toward the back of the bike. The seat should come free easily.
  3. Remove the two 12mm bolts from either side of the back of the front seat.
  4. Lift up on the seat while pulling toward the back of the bike.

Does the Honda Rebel have storage?

Cargo. While your making additions to shape your customized Rebel 500, there are a few cargo options available to give you the space you need to carry necessities and personal items for you and your passenger. The optional saddlebags give you an additional 10 pounds max capacity of storage space per bag.

How do you unlock a motorcycle seat without a key?

just put the side panel open and unlock with the cable you see on the back of the side panel. Three of the bolts to remove the side panel are under the seat. But it’s pretty flexible so you can probably just remove the one bolt on the side of the bike and bend the panel out far enough to access the lock.

How do you open the back seat of a unicorn?

On the left side of bike u’ll have a one lock at top of rear tyre, unlock with your key and at back of the lock press down the lever and remove the seat.

How do you take the seat off a 2006 Honda Shadow?

1st you have to remove the bolt at the back of the passenger seat. Then lift the back of the passenger seat about 1 inch and push is pretty hard toward the front seat. If you get it right it will pop loose. Once you get the back seat off, you will see another bolt.

What is the seat height of a Honda Shadow?


Is the Honda Shadow 750 a good bike?

Combining exceptional power with light weight and wonderful styling, the Honda Shadow 750 is a killer bike for any rider. The size, the ease of handling, the price, and much more go into making the Honda Shadow 750 one of the best motorcycles out there, especially for a noob at biking.

Is a Honda Shadow 1100 a good starter bike?

A heavy 1100 is not an ideal beginner bike by a long shot. It’s survivable, but it’s still not recommended. A light 250 is better.

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