How do you tell a true war story vocabulary?

How do you tell a true war story vocabulary?

Terms in this set (10)

  1. comrade. fellow soldier.
  2. rectitude. morally correct behavior or thinking.
  3. credibility. the quality of being trusted.
  4. preceded. came before.
  5. symmetries. consistencies; pleasing proportions.
  6. illumination. lighting;glare.
  7. implacable. relentless; unstoppable.
  8. proximity. closeness.

How According to O’Brien can we tell if a war story is true?

O’Brien says you can tell a true war story by how it never ends, or never seems to. He recalls how Mitchell Sanders showed frustration in telling the story of the men at the listening post because he wanted to get all of the details right.

What killed Curt Lemon?

Curt Lemon dies by accidentally stepping on a grenade. Lemon and Rat Kiley “were playing catch with smoke grenades” in the shade during a break their platoon took from being on the move.

Why is the baby water buffalo scene more disturbing than the death of Curt Lemon?

Curt Lemon, however, dies a swift, painless death that ends his suffering without even realizing what happened. The baby water buffalo has to feel every bullet and ends up sinking down in quiet despair. This makes the scene with the baby water buffalo significantly more disturbing than Lemon’s demise.

Was Rat Kiley the medic?

This lesson is a character description of Rat Kiley in Tim O’Brien’s ”The Things They Carried”. Rat Kiley is the medic in O’Brien’s platoon and is also well-known for his storytelling.

Why does Tim O’Brien hate Bobby Jorgenson?

13) Why does O’Brien become angry at Bobby Jorgenson and eventually want to get revenge on him? O’Brien was angry at Bobby Jorgenson, the new medic who replaced Rat Kiley, for being too scared to get to O’Brien promptly after O’Brien was shot in the bottom. He “wanted to hurt Bobby Jorgenson the way he’d hurt [him].”

How did Tim feel about seeing Linda’s body in the casket?

How did Tim feel about seeing Linda’s body in the casket? He felt dizzy and couldn’t believe it.

What does Linda say being dead is like?

The Power of Stories Tim talks to Linda in one of his dreams, and she tells him that being dead is ‘like being inside a book that nobody’s reading. ‘ And all the dead can do is ‘wait…and hope somebody’ll pick it up and start reading. ‘

What is the greatest difference between the first and second time O’Brien is shot?

Summary. O’Brien recalls that he was shot twice—the first time, images from Gene Autry movies race through his head, and he ends up on the lap of Rat Kiley, the medic. When O’Brien is shot the second time, Jorgenson is incapable of treating his shock, and the result is a harrowing, painful experience for O’Brien.

How many times was O’Brien shot?

Summary and Analysis The Ghost Soldiers. O’Brien recalls the two times he was shot in Vietnam. The first time, medic Rat Kiley gave him medical care in the midst of battle, checking on him four times, finally helping O’Brien to a helicopter for evacuation to a hospital.

Who is Eddie Diamond In The Things They Carried?

Eddie Diamond is the easy-going NCO at Tra Bong who runs the medical detachment with more attention to “dope and Darvon” (painkillers) than to discipline. Mark Fossie is a medic serving with Rat Kiley at Tra Bong; he brings his girlfriend, Mary Anne, on an ill-advised visit to Vietnam.

What did everyone carry in the things they carried?

The narrator, Tim O’Brien, describes the things all the men of the company carry. They are things in the most physical sense—mosquito repellent and marijuana, pocket knives and chewing gum. The things they carry depend on several factors, including the men’s priorities and their constitutions.

What do Kiowas moccasins symbolize?

Like a compass, the Bible is a book of direction. He carried a hatchet – again an artifact that he used in daily life – a useful item in many ways, yet symbolic of Kiowa’s background. Finally he brought moccasins – a representation of the life he was leaving behind.

What is more important to O’Brien emotional truth or factual truth?

But what O’Brien states – and what is really more important than factual truth – is that the emotional truth of what happened is really what counts. Postmodern theory, and one of its forms, ‘creative nonfiction,’ which some have dubbed O’Brien’s story and novel, posits that ‘factual’ truth is very difficult to prove.

Why does O’Brien go back to Vietnam and bury Kiowa’s moccasins and take off his clothes and wade in the water?

In this story, O’Brien physically revisits a war experience in hopes of alleviating his guilt over Kiowa’s death. Under the guise of a trip for his daughter, O’Brien comes to Vietnam to bury his guilt, bearing Kiowa’s moccasins and wading into the muck to deposit them there.

What does Jimmy Cross blame himself for why?

He blames himself for making the wrong decision, concluding that he should have followed his first impulse and removed the men from the field. He feels that his oversight caused Kiowa’s death.

What could Jimmy Cross never forgive himself for?

What could Jimmy Cross never forgive himself for? Jimmy Cross never forgave himself for the death of Ted Lavender. Years after the war, Jimmy Cross went to visit Tim O’Brien and after seeing a snapshot of Ted, Jimmy said that “[Lavender’s death] was something that would never go away” (O’Brien 26).

What was found in Kiowas rucksack?

The pack was heavy with mud and water, dead-looking. Inside were a pair of moccasins and an illustrated New Testament.

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