How do you throw things in Lego Harry Potter Wii?

How do you throw things in Lego Harry Potter Wii?

After donning your invisibility cloak and sneaking across the screen you will encounter a pumpkin which can be levitated. On the Wii this is accomplished with Z on the nunchuck. To get the pumpkin rotating you press in a direction. If you press it any direction but straight to the left you will get the weak throws.

What do red sparkles mean in Lego Harry Potter?

dark magic

What do you do with cherry in Lego Harry Potter?

You need to put them in a cauldron to create potions.

How old are 5th years in Harry Potter?

15 to 16 years

How do you become a Hufflepuff?

Hogwart’s: Year Two. Drink the potion and select Justin Finch-Fletchley as the character whose appearance you will assume. You’ll turn into the Hufflepuff lad. Wave at the portrait on the right wall to unlock the Polyjuice Potion skill.

What is the fruit for in Lego Harry Potter?

A cherry is a small fruit, usually consisting of two small red fruits, each having their own stems connected by a small tip at the top. They were an ingredient of the Invisibility Potion. The wood of the cherry tree was used in making wands.

How do you fly a broom in Lego Harry Potter?

A Broom is a standard flying vehicle that can only be flew well by certain characters….Broom

  1. To go up, hold ‘A’.
  2. To go back down, stop moving or release the ‘A’ button.
  3. To move around, move the nunchuk in the corresponding direction to the way you want to go.

How do you get Fang to dig in Lego Harry Potter?

The gremlins that ruined your ladder are in the background, swinging from a large tree, so hit them with some magic to eliminate them. That’ll reveal a hole where Fang can dig. Have him do so and you’ll reveal a tunnel. Pass through it to arrive at the area boss battle.

How do you get Hermione’s cat in Lego Harry Potter?

Use a Book Character on the bookcase to the left of the girls’ bathroom door. Shoot the case that comes out to get the character token for Hermione (Cat).

Where is the last gold brick in LEGO Harry Potter?

Finally, you can find two of the Gold Brick items in Diagon Alley. One is located in the Emporium (use Wingardium Leviosa magic to snag it) and the other is in the Borgin and Burkes shop, just off the lower left side of Knockturn Alley.

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