How do you transition to a counter argument?

How do you transition to a counter argument?

  1. Introduce the counter argument (turn against) with a phrase like:
  2. Then you state the case against yourself as briefly but as clearly as you can, pointing to evidence where possible.

What are three transition words that go against an argument?

Transition Words useful for Argument Writing

To show… Words/Expressions to Use
Exception/Contrast But, however, in spite of, on the one hand, on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, still yet
Sequence/Order First, second, third…, next, then, finally

How do you start an opposing paragraph?

In your paragraph:

  1. Identify the opposing argument.
  2. Respond to it by discussing the reasons the argument is incomplete, weak, unsound, or illogical.
  3. Provide examples or evidence to show why the opposing argument is unsound, or provide explanations of how the opposing argument is incomplete or illogical.

What is a counter argument in writing?

A counterargument involves acknowledging standpoints that go against your argument and then re-affirming your argument. This is typically done by stating the opposing side’s argument, and then ultimately presenting your argument as the most logical solution.

How do you use concession in a sentence?

Concession in a Sentence ?

  1. Since the developer could not give the landowner his desired concession, he was not able to buy the land for the new subdivision.
  2. The prosecutor must be willing to offer a concession of leniency if he wants the defendant to testify against his co-conspirators.

What are concession words?

concession – n. grammar. a clause which begins with “although” or “even though” and which expresses an idea that suggests the opposite of the main part of the sentence. clause – n. grammar.

What does relented mean?

1 : to become less severe, harsh, or strict The wind relented by evening. 2 : to give in after first resisting or refusing My dad finally relented and increased my allowance. More from Merriam-Webster on relent. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for relent.

What is a concession in a relationship?

countable something you give or allow to someone in order to reach an agreement. make a concession: You have to be prepared to make concessions in a relationship.

What is concessionaire?

: the owner or operator of a concession especially : one that operates a refreshment stand at a recreational center.

What does it mean to make a concession?

concession | Business English something that you agree to give someone or allow them to do, especially in order to end an argument or disagreement: offer/make concessions We would be prepared to make concessions in order to reach an agreement.

What it means to concede?

transitive verb. 1a(1) : to acknowledge grudgingly or hesitantly conceded that it might be a good idea. (2) : to relinquish grudgingly or hesitantly concede power.

What’s a concession ticket?

A ticket type labeled “Concession” may vary from event to event. It may refer to a student or senior and offer a discounted ticket price. Please note that you may be asked to supply your student ID or senior Gold Card at the door/gate of the event when presenting your a Concession ticket.

Who qualifies for a concession ticket?

People in receipt of Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income Support or Job Seekers allowance, Students, Children (12–18 years) and disabled people (with free entry for one carer) are entitled to a concession discount.

Who is entitled to concession tickets?

Concession fares NSW/ACT secondary students (aged 16 and over) NSW Apprentices and trainees. Tertiary and TAFE students. Centrelink customers.

Who does Concession apply to?

This concession card applies to full time NSW/ACT secondary school students who are aged 16 years and older. It is also valid for mature secondary students aged 19 years and older. Students who fall outside of these brackets may still be entitled to apply for travel concessions.

What can you use concession cards for?

The Concession Opal card is for eligible tertiary or TAFE students, apprentices or trainees, job seekers or other approved Centrelink customers who are entitled to pay half price fares for travel on public transport in Sydney and the surrounding regions. Learn more: Opal for concessions. Concession Opal fares.

What rebates can I claim?


  • Life Support Energy Rebate. Helps with the cost of running energy-intensive medical equipment at home.
  • Medical Energy Rebate.
  • NSW Spectacles Program.
  • EnableNSW.
  • Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS)
  • Concession car parking fees at NSW public hospitals.
  • Pre-IVF Fertility Testing Rebate.

What discounts do I get with health care card?

A Health Care Card entitles you to cheaper prescription medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme….State and territory governments and local councils may also offer concessions for costs such as:

  • energy and electricity.
  • healthcare, including ambulance, dental and eye care.
  • public transport.
  • rates.

What is the income cut off for a health care card?

To meet the income test, from 20 September 2020, you must earn no more than the following: $55,808 a year if you’re single. $89,290 a year for couples. $111,616 a year for couples separated by illness, respite care or prison.

What is classed as low income in Australia?

The base amount is $255 per annum. This offset is available for the 2018–19, 2019–20 and 2020–21 income years. If your taxable income is between $37,001 and $126,000, you will get some or all of the low and middle income tax offset. This is in addition to the low income tax offset.

Can self funded retirees get a health care card?

The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card can give self-funded retirees who do not qualify for a government Age Pension or Department of Veteran Affairs payment, the entitlements that others receive from the Pensioner Concession Card.

How do I qualify for a Seniors Health Card?

To qualify for the NSW Seniors Card you must be a permanent resident of the state, aged 60 or over and working no more than 20 hours a week. At the moment there are more than 1.4 million members of the NSW Seniors Card scheme, and over 3,500 businesses participating.

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