How do you travel to the Great Barrier Reef?

How do you travel to the Great Barrier Reef?

Due to its size, it is possible to experience the reef via entry points as far north as Cairns and Cape York or Bundaberg in the south. Whilst Australia is quite large (about the same size as continental USA), the Great Barrier Reef is a very accessible destination that can be reached by air, sea, rail, bus or road.

How much is it to visit the Great Barrier Reef?


Great Barrier Reef Tour $115
Great Barrier Reef Premium Snorkelling Tour $189
Great Barrier Reef Cruise Deluxe $205
Great Barrier Reef Pontoon Adventure $219

Where do you stay to go to the Great Barrier Reef?

The most popular are Cairns and Port Douglas in the Northern Reef, and the Whitsunday Islands further south. Where you should stay depends on your personality, and also when you travel. At Down Under Endeavours, we usually recommend visiting the Northern Reef from April until December.

What is the best way to see the Great Barrier Reef?

Here are just a few ways that you can experience the many and varied wonders of the Great Barrier Reef.

  1. Get a bird’s eye view.
  2. Spot the Great Eight.
  3. Charter a yacht or stay aboard a dive boat.
  4. Ogle from an underwater observatory.
  5. Go on a glass-bottom boat.
  6. Cast away to an island retreat.
  7. Sleep on the reef.

What is the best time of year to visit Great Barrier Reef?

The best time to visit the Great Barrier Reef is from June to October. This peak season offers some key advantages for travelers. Temperatures hover in the low 60s to mid-80s, and rainfall is uncommon, which means clearer waters and better diving conditions.

Why does coral die when you touch it?

Simply touching corals to see what they feel like can cause the death of an entire colony. Oils from your skin can disturb the delicate mucous membranes which protect the animals from disease. If feeding coral is startled, it retracts for protection and in doing so is unable to feed.

Can I take coral from the beach?

Other people just dive into the ocean and steal these colorful sea creatures for their saltwater fish tanks or to sell online, but taking coral is illegal, can harm the living coral reefs and can bring the coral thieves fines and even jail time.

Is coral stone expensive?

Precious coral is not an expensive gemstone and can be found in price ranges to suit all budgets. But if you thought that coral is only used in inexpensive casual jewelry, think again. While the stone itself is not incredibly valuable, you will find expensive coral jewelry on the market on par with the best gemstones.

Can you take dead coral on a plane?

This is their reply: “Live coral is allowed in carry-on bags. The water needed to keep your coral alive must be 3.4 oz or less and the entire container must be packed into your liquids bag”.

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