
How do you upload a Word document on a Mac?

How do you upload a Word document on a Mac?

If you’re having trouble uploading a Word for Mac document, try these steps:

  1. Open your document in Word.
  2. Click File -> Save As.
  3. Choose a file format (. doc, . docx or . rtf).
  4. Enter the name, and make sure that it ends with the correct extension (e.g. myfile. doc).
  5. Click Save.
  6. Try submitting this newly saved document.

How do I upload a document to canvas?

Upload a New File

  1. In Course Navigation, click the “Files”.
  2. Click the “Upload” button.
  3. Click the title of the file you want to upload and click the “Open” button.
  4. You can also add to your files area by simply dragging and dropping the files from a file window directly into the Canvas file repository.

How do I upload large files to canvas?

The solution to handle this situation is the use of OneDrive, which has a maximum file size of 10 GB. Students will be able to upload the large media file to OneDrive, copy and share the link for the file, and paste it into the assignment in Canvas.

How big of a file can I upload to canvas?

500 MB

Why can’t I upload my video to canvas?

Q: Why won’t my video upload to canvas. Answer: The most common problems students run into are that either (A) the video file is too large, (B) your computer has poor or no internet connection, or (C) the file format of your video is not supported. (A) Video file is too large.

Why does canvas take so long to upload video?

Check File Size If you need to upload a video file, 1 GB is the maximum allowable file size. General rule of thumb is the bigger the file, the longer it may take to upload. If your video file is larger than 1GB, you should compress your video file.

Can students record themselves in canvas?

Creating & Submitting Videos for Assignments and Discussions in Canvas. Instructors may expect students to record videos of themselves as part of a discussion board or to turn in as an assignment. Students should be able to do this with any webcam enabled computer or smart phone.

How do you save a media on canvas?

How do I download a My Media video?

  1. Go to any Canvas site and click My Media.
  2. To the right of the video you want to download, click on the Edit icon (pencil)
  3. Click Downloads.
  4. Checkmark Source, then click Save.
  5. Click Go to Media.
  6. Use the Details dropdown box to select Download.
  7. Click Download.

How do I add a media comment on canvas?

Upload a Recording

  1. To upload an existing media file from your computer, go to the assignment you want to leave feedback on and click the “Media Comment” icon.
  2. Click “Select Audio File” for an audio only file, or “Select Video File” for an audio and video file.
  3. Once a file is selected, the media will be uploaded.

What is a media comment on canvas?

You may wish to attach a file to a comment, perhaps a scanned paper you downloaded to mark up by hand or a list of correct answers that is not housed elsewhere in Canvas. You can also record video or audio comments to give your students feedback rather than using text.

What is Studio in canvas?

What is Canvas Studio? Canvas Studio is a media tool that allows students and instructors to upload, create, edit, manage, share and discuss audio and video files. Existing files can be used or new ones can be created with Studio’s capture and editing tools.

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