How do you use emoticon in a sentence?

How do you use emoticon in a sentence?

a representation of a facial expression (as a smile or frown) created by typing a sequence of characters in sending email. (1) Emoji Plus – Best Emoticon Keyboard! (2) An emoticon made the list for the first time. (3) The demo will consist 4 emoticon buttons namely Kiss, Hold Hands, Hug and Wink.

What is the usage of emoticon?

Emoticons are punctuation marks, letters, and numbers used to create pictorial icons that generally display an emotion or sentiment. (That’s actually where the portmanteau “emoticon” comes from: emotional icon.) Oh, and because of the limits of our keyboard, most emoticons need to be read sideways.

What is word emoticon?

An emoticon ( /ɪˈmoʊtɪkɒn/) is a written symbol, often as 2 or 3 punctuation characters, that stands for the writer’s mood or facial expression. The word “emoticon” is a blend of the English words emotion (or emote) and icon.

Which is an example of emoticon use?

The definition of an emoticon is a sideways facial expression created using keyboard symbols that represent an attitude or a facial expression in e-mail. An example of an emoticon is a happy face made by typing a colon and parenthesis :).

What was the first emoticon used?

Professor Scott Fahlman, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, used the first digital emoticon on the morning of the of September 19th, 1982. And it was a smiley face :-).

Who invented Emoji?

Shigetaka Kurita

What are old Emojis called?

Early emoticons were the precursors to modern emojis, which are ever-developing predominantly on iOS and Android devices. The first ASCII emoticons, 🙂 and 🙁 , were written by Scott Fahlman in 1982, but emoticons actually originated on the PLATO IV computer system in 1972.

What does _ mean in text?

Mean? The emoticon . _. means “Apathy,” “Disappointment,” or “Resignation.”

What does @_@ mean in texting?

The Meaning of @_@ @_@ means “Hypnotized, dazed” So now you know – @_@ means “Hypnotized, dazed” – don’t thank us.

What does FFFF stand for?


Acronym Definition
FFFF Fast Floating Fractal Fun
FFFF Flying Fickle Finger of Fate (Laugh-In TV series)
FFFF Friends for Fullerton’s Future (Fullerton, CA)
FFFF Fair, Fat, Female and Forty (typical candidate for diagnosis of hypothyroidism)

What is an emoji of yourself called?

Memoji are personalised Animoji. It’s basically Apple’s version of Snapchat’s Bitmoji or Samsung’s AR Emoji. These Animoji can look exactly like you (or a version of you with, say, yellow skin, blue hair, a mohawk, a ‘fro, man bun, or a cowboy hat).

How do I get an emoji of myself?

Open the Messages app. Open an existing conversation or start a new one, then tap on the Memoji icon. Tap on the plus icon to the left of the Animoji choices. You’ll be directed through creating your first Memoji and be able to use it whenever you like in an iMessage or FaceTime.

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