How do you use pentatonic scales with chords?
Pentatonic Scales This works well for most chords. All you need to do is switch scales with the chord changes. For example, if the progression was Dm7 – G7 – Cmaj7, you could play D minor pentatonic, G major pentatonic, C major pentatonic. You just need to shift the scale and play any note in the scale.
Are major and minor pentatonic scales the same?
C Major Pentatonic and A Minor Pentatonic are relative scales – the same thing played in a different context. In practical terms, that means the two scales are interchangeable, so with a bit of music theory knowledge, you can make a Major Pentatonic shape sound like a Minor Pentatonic Shape and vice versa.
Why is the pentatonic scale important?
The pentatonic scale is the foundation for almost every other scale there is. Especially the blues scale, natural minor scale, harmonic minor scale, and the melodic minor scale. It will increase your confidence in playing dramatically. No more feelings of being overwhelmed by scales or the guitar.
What country uses a pentatonic scale?
A variety of pentatonic scales occur in the musics of Native Americans, sub-Saharan Africans, and East and Southeast Asians (e.g., the five-tone slendro scale of the Javanese), as well as in many European folk melodies.
How does the pentatonic scale work?
The concept is very simple: the major pentatonic scale is a collection of notes from the major scale. We know that the major scale has 7 notes. The pentatonic scale chose 5 of these notes and created another scale. When the major scale stops having 7 notes and starts to have 5, it gets the name of Penta.
How do you turn a major scale into a blues scale?
To produce a major blues scale, you simply take the major pentatonic scale and add in a blue note, the b3 of the key. This added note gives the major blues scale its bluesy vibe and separates it melodically from the major pentatonic scale.
How many diatonic chords are augmented in a major key?
seven diatonic chords
What are the chords of the major scale?
Chords In The Key Of A Major
- I – A major, A major seventh (Amaj, Amaj7)
- ii – B minor, B minor seventh (Bm, Bm7)
- iii – C sharp minor, C# minor seventh (C#m, C#m7)
- IV – D major, D major seventh (D, Dmaj 7)
- V – E major, E dominant seventh (E, E7)
- vi – F sharp minor, F# minor seventh (F#m, F#m7)