
How do you write a good bullet point?

How do you write a good bullet point?

How to write powerful bullet points

  1. Think of a bullet point as a mini headline.
  2. Highlight elements key to understanding the content of your article.
  3. Keep it simple.
  4. Keep bullets thematically related.
  5. Make your bullet points symmetrical . . . just like the ones here.
  6. Work in keywords.
  7. Don’t overdo it.

What is bullet chess?

Bullet chess refers to games played with time controls that are faster than 3 minutes per player. The most popular forms of bullet chess are 1|0 (one minute with no increment per player) or 2|1 (two minutes with a one-second increment per player).

Can a bullet explode in your hand?

A barrel is needed to “shoot” a bullet. In your hand, you’d have a tiny explosion and the shell and bullet would fly away from each other with equal (and very diminished) force.

Can a lawn mower kill you?

With blades spinning at hundreds of revolutions per minute, they can grab and shoot out projectiles at a deadly velocity. A rock thrown by a lawn mower blade can penetrate skin, break bones or even kill a person.

What happens if you hit a bullet with a lawn mower?

No. If you’re lucky it might knock a few grass clods out from under the mower deck. Theoretically possible, but the shell would very likely just get chopped up, scattering the shot and powder. If it did happen to go off with the shell intact, it would get your attention, but it shouldn’t do any damage.

Can you drill a hole in a live bullet?

Have ’em seat a bullet in a spent case. Drilling a hole in a live round is not a good idea.

What happens if you throw bullets in a fire?

If you throw a live round into fire, nothing is going to ignite the primer – there is no striker in a campfire. However, gunpowder will eventually reach the temperature of ignition and will light up causing those hot expanding gasses to appear.

What happens if you hit a shotgun shell with a hammer?

Shotgun primers are far more dangerous than primers for metallic cartridges and should always be handled with care — and never used for other purposes. They are basically tiny grenades that go off on impact. Smashing one with a hammer could mean getting hit by shrapnel — which could well be enough to ruin your day.

Can you fire a shotgun shell without a gun?

No, you can not fire a bullet without a gun. Those gasses force the bullet down the barrel, the path of least resistance, until the bullet leaves the barrel and they dissipate into the air. The length of the barrel also has an effect on the speed and force at which the bullet leaves the barrel.

Can bullets explode if dropped?

Yes a bullet could potentially be set off if it falls just in the right angle from the right height etc. This however is extremely unlikely to happen. The primer (the part that ignites the gunpowder in the ammunition) needs to be hit by enough force and is rather small.

Can you open a shotgun shell?

People have modified shotgun shells by opening them, but cutting into a casing with gunpowder inside is extremely dangerous and can result in traumatic injury or death.

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