How do you write a list of figures in a report?

How do you write a list of figures in a report?

  1. After the list of tables, type the heading List of Figures, assign the Heading 1 style, and click where you want to insert the list.
  2. In the Insert menu, pull down to Index and Tables.
  3. Click Table of Figures.
  4. Check Include label and number, Show page numbers, Right align page numbers.
  5. Click Options on right.

How do I add Level 4 in table of contents?

Change the heading levels reported in the TOC

  1. Click anywhere inside the TOC.
  2. Go to the References tab > Table of Contents > Insert Table of Contents.
  3. On the Table of Contents window, change the Show levels setting from 3 to 4 or 5, depending on how deep you want to go.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Say Yes to replace the existing TOC.

How do you make a document into a picture?

How to convert image to PDF and other documents?

  1. Upload your image or photo file.
  2. Choose a document format from the drop-down menu.
  3. With “Use OCR” in the optional settings, you can extract text from an image.
  4. Several images can be combined into one PDF with “Merge” (optional).

How do you create a paper folder?

All you need to do is,

  1. Fold the paper in half like a book.
  2. Open the folder and paste a length of tape to the bottom of one side of the paper.
  3. Carefully paste the other side on top of the tape, from edge to edge.
  4. We also added paperclips to the design, to hold the upper half in place. But, that’s completely optional.

How do I save a file to a specific folder?

The steps required to save a file to a standard location.

  1. Launch the File Save dialog. In the File menu, select the Save As menu item.
  2. Name the file. Open the folder containing the desired file.
  3. Select the desired folder in which to save the file.
  4. Specify a file format type.
  5. Click on the Save button.

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