How do you write a literature review example?

How do you write a literature review example?

There are five key steps:

  1. Search for relevant literature.
  2. Evaluate sources.
  3. Identify themes, debates and gaps.
  4. Outline the structure.
  5. Write your literature review.

What is the format of a literature review?

A literature review follows an essay format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion), but if the literature itself is the topic of the essay, your essay will need to consider the literature in terms of the key topics/themes you are examining.

What is review of literature PDF?

A literature review is what it says it is, it is a comprehensive review of the literature available for any given research question. It is a summary, analysis and evaluation of the literature and an explanation of what research has already been performed for a research area.

How do you write a literature review in English literature?

  1. Find a Working Topic.
  2. Review the Literature.
  3. Focus Your Topic Narrowly and Select Papers Accordingly.
  4. Read the Selected Articles Thoroughly and Evaluate Them.
  5. Organize the Selected Papers By Looking For Patterns and By Developing Subtopics.
  6. Develop a Working Thesis.

What is literature review and example?

A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview of a particular topic. It generally follows a discussion of the paper’s thesis statement or the study’s goals or purpose. *This sample paper was adapted by the Writing Center from Key, K.L., Rich, C., DeCristofaro, C., Collins, S. (2010).

How do you begin a literature review?

One common way to approach a literature review is to start out broad and then become more specific. Think of it as an inverted triangle: First briefly explain the broad issues related to your investigation; you don’t need to write much about this, just demonstrate that you are aware of the breadth of your subject.

What are the steps to write a literature review?

Write a Literature Review

  1. Narrow your topic and select papers accordingly.
  2. Search for literature.
  3. Read the selected articles thoroughly and evaluate them.
  4. Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing subtopics.
  5. Develop a thesis or purpose statement.
  6. Write the paper.
  7. Review your work.

How many sources should a literature review have?

Enough! Maybe – as a very rough and ready rule of thumb – 8-10 significant pieces (books and/or articles) for a 8,000 word dissertation, up to 20 major pieces of work for words, and so on. But use your judgement! Skim through the books and articles identified as potentially relevant.

How do you end a literature review?

Steps To Follow For Literature Review Conclusion

  1. Note down important points while writing.
  2. Brief the necessary characteristics of the reviewed literature.
  3. Suggest practical implication in conclusion.
  4. Never end-up as final statement.

Do you use headings in a literature review?

Structure of a literature review. In general, literature reviews are structured in a similar way to a standard essay, with an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Within the body, sub-headings are often used. The structure of the different sections of a literature review is discussed below.

What should not be included in a literature review?

Do not include extended quotations, and use direct quotes sparingly, if at all. The literature review is a synthesis and analysis of research on your topic in your own words. Most ideas can be and should be paraphrased. Professors sometimes perceive undue reliance on quotations as intellectual laziness.

What should you avoid in a literature review?

Learn what can go wrong with this important part of your dissertation.

  • Too descriptive. A literature review must go beyond a mere summary of what was reported by other researchers.
  • Lack of quality sources.
  • A by-article structure.
  • No link to research question.
  • Un-grounded statements.
  • 15 Writers.

What are the 3 parts of literature review?

Just like most academic papers, literature reviews also must contain at least three basic elements: an introduction or background information section; the body of the review containing the discussion of sources; and, finally, a conclusion and/or recommendations section to end the paper.

What are the possible sources in writing a literature review?

This includes peer-reviewed articles, books, dissertations and conference papers. When reviewing the literature, be sure to include major works as well as studies that respond to major works. You will want to focus on primary sources, though secondary sources can be valuable as well.

How long is a literature review?

The length of a literature review varies depending on its purpose and audience. In a thesis or dissertation, the review is usually a full chapter (at least 20 pages), but for an assignment it may only be a few pages. There are several ways to organize and structure a literature review.

What are the characteristics of a good literature review?

Qualities of A Good Lit Review A good literature review is NOT simply a list describing or summarizing several articles; a literature review is discursive prose which proceeds to a conclusion by reason or argument. A good literature review shows signs of synthesis and understanding of the topic.

What are the four major goals of a literature review?

To determine what exists in the scholarly literature. To identify possible gap(s) in the scholarly literature for further research. To inform the research topic, theory (if applicable), and associated methodology. To compare/contrast against findings resulting from the current study.

What are the 4 main functions of literature review?

In relation to your own study, the literature review can help in four ways. It can: 1 bring clarity and focus to your research problem; 2 improve your research methodology; 3 broaden your knowledge base in your research area; and 4 contextualise your findings.

What are the elements of a review?

Elements of a review paper

  • Title Page. On the title page include the title, your name, and the date.
  • Abstract. An abstract is a brief summary of your review.
  • Introduction. The introduction of your review should accomplish three things:
  • Discussion. The discussion section is the body of your paper.
  • Conclusions.
  • References.

What are two basic elements of all reviews?

Review the two basic principles required for evaluating fiction. -The significance of its purpose. Describe the elements that make up a first-rate story. Describe the importance of length in evaluating fiction.

What are the main components of a book review?

A successful book review includes a short summary of the book, background information about the author and topic, and an evaluation of the content. When writing a short summary of the book, assume that your audience has not read it and address the book’s main topics and ideas and explain why they matter.

What are the four parts of a book?

The Parts of a Book and the Elements of Content

  • A Book’s Front Matter.
  • A Book’s Body Matter.
  • A Book’s End Matter.

What are the steps to write a book report?

Writing a Book Report

  1. the type of book report you are writing.
  2. the title of the book.
  3. the author of the book.
  4. the time when the story takes place.
  5. the location where the story takes place.
  6. the names and a brief description of each of the characters you will be discussing.
  7. many quotations and examples from the book to support your opinions.

What is the format of a book?

A manuscript is the finished, written book. The actual Microsoft Word or Google Docs file that is your book. Formatting is how your manuscript looks and reads. Things like font size, page color, word count, page number, line spacing, paragraph breaks–everything that goes into the visual appearance.

How do you write an introduction paragraph for a book report?


  1. Introduce the topic of the book (what is the issue at hand, and why should we care?)
  2. Introduce the title and author of the book.
  3. State the purpose of the book (including the author’s thesis or major findings)
  4. State your thesis (or the purpose of your review)

How do you begin a paragraph?

Every paragraph must begin with a topic sentence. Every topic sentence must support your thesis and must present a single clear idea for each paragraph. After you present a topic sentence, the remainder of the paragraph should elaborate on that topic.

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