How do you write a reaction paper for an article?

How do you write a reaction paper for an article?

Writing a Response or Reaction Paper

  1. Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.
  2. Write an informative summary of the material.
  3. Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.
  4. Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas.

What is an example of reaction paper?

A good example is that you may be asked to give a critique about a certain subject, and this would constitute a reaction paper, or to write a review about a literature book; it also falls into the same group.

What is a reaction to an article?

A reaction paper is a written assignment that provides a personal opinion regarding a given piece of work. The paper should include a short summary of the work, but the main focus is your thoughts, feelings and rationalizations about what’s discussed in the original text.

Why should people write a reaction paper?

Answer: A reaction paper requires you to formulate analysis and reaction to a given body of material such as readings, lectures, or student presentations. The purpose of a reaction paper assignment is to focus your thinking on a topic after a close examination of the source material.

How do you read a response paper?

Get the reader’s attention by describing the subject in one of the following ways:

  1. Use a startling statistic.
  2. Cite an interesting fact.
  3. Pose an appropriate quotation.
  4. Tell an anecdote.
  5. Describe a scenario.
  6. Write a conversation.
  7. Tell a story.
  8. Put forth a question your essay will answer.

How do you write an introduction to a response paper?

Your introduction should include a concise, one sentence, focused thesis. This is the focused statement of your reaction/response. More information on thesis statements is available. The body should contain paragraphs that provide support for your thesis.

What do you write in a reading response?

A reading response asks the reader [you] to examine, explain and defend your personal reaction to a reading….You will be asked to explore:

  1. why you like or dislike the reading,
  2. explain whether you agree or disagree with the author,
  3. identify the reading’s purpose, and.
  4. critique the text.

How long is a response paper?

about 1 page

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