
How do you write a summer season paragraph?

How do you write a summer season paragraph?

May is the hottest month of this season. The days are longer and the nights are shorter. This season bring us the hotness of sun because the part of earth is facing straight rays of sun is facing summer. In summer, mornings are quite cool but it becomes very hot in the afternoon.

Why do we love winter season?

1) this season brings happiness inside me. 2) this is the season when u can really enjoy having warm food. 4) in winters,the days are very short(just a feeling) and I don’t get tired during this season. 5) though the season is cold ..it brings warmth inside of u if u have an energetic mood.29

Which season do you like and why?

Examples of answers: – I prefer summer because I can spend more time outside, playing with friends or riding my bicycle, – I like spring because it is neither too cold nor too warm, – In my opinion, winter is the best season because no matter how cold you’re feeling, you can always put more clothes on.26

Why rainy season is my Favourite?

It is my favourite and best season among all four seasons. The Rainy Season comes after the Summer Season, so, this season brings relief to the burning earth scorched in the summer heat. The temperature remains pleasant during the monsoon. All the living things enjoy the rainy season by getting wet into the rain water.13

Why do you like rainy season essay?

Heavy rains destroy crops and cause floods. Children enjoy this season to the utmost, they take shower, float paper boats and dive in the water of rain. All water bodies often get full of water, the rivers that dry get plenty of water. All plants and trees become green and greenery makes the environment more beautiful.5

How do you enjoy rainy season?

  1. Run to Your Terrace and Welcome the Rain.
  2. Go to the Lawn or Backyard and Dance Madly in Rain.
  3. Open the Window or Visit Your Balcony.
  4. Enjoy a Long Drive with Your Beloved One When it’s Drizzling Around.
  5. Walk the Road in Rain with Umbrella and Rubber Boots.
  6. Sail Your Tiny Boats in Rain Water.
  7. Just Feel the Raindrops.

Why do we need rain?

Rain is needed as a source of fresh water, which is essential for the survival of humans, plants and animals. Rain fills aquifers, lakes and rivers, maintaining the lives of living organisms. Rain is essential because it removes the need for transporting water inland and desalination activities.

Why do people think rain is sad?

This explains that rainy day malaise of wanting to sit on the couch and destroy a bag of fried snacks and then pass out from gluttony. But because of this increased desire to do nothing, our bodies create less serotonin, which in turn affects our mood – so SAD makes people feel sad.25

Do you enjoy the rain why answer?

Answer: I like rainy days because I like to be outside and feel the rain on my skin. I like the smell of the rain, I like the effect it has on the garden, and I love watching the rain fall out my window. It makes my imagination run wild, and it just looks so nice.3

Why is rain beautiful?

Rain doesn’t have to mean the end of a beautiful day. In fact, the first falling drops can signify the beginning of something even more beautiful – here are seven great reasons why rain is actually a beneficial, positive force. Rain makes things grow. Nature, nurture, and water go hand in hand.

Why does gloomy weather make me happy?

Most people believe that seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is triggered by winters or sunless, rainy days due to the lack of sunlight, but in some rare cases, people feel depressed on sunny days and cloudy, dull skies make them happy. The condition is known as reverse SAD.16

What do you love about rain?

7. The pitter patters of rain on windows and roofs create such a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere. The white noise created from the rain drops allows your mind to relax and can even help you sleep better! I know I sleep better during the pouring rain.19

What are good things about rain?

We Couldn’t Survive Without It The fresh water rain provides is essential to the survival of every living organism, from plants to animals to humans. Fresh water sources are depleted by the natural process of evaporation, and rainy days replace that lost water. Plus, it’s just so pretty when it rains!3

What is it called when you love rain?

“Pluviophile” is a real word. It refers to a person who loves the sound of rain, or feels joy & peace on rainy days.19

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