How do you write Dankuwel?

How do you write Dankuwel?

In writing, “Dank u wel”, “Dank je wel” (and “Dank jullie wel”) are correctly spelled as three separate words (unlike “Alstublieft” and “Alsjeblieft”: see above).

What do you say after HI in a text?

It depends on your level of interest. If you like a girl and want to have a conversation with her beyond hi, ask her a lot of questions. Good ones….

  1. Hi!
  2. Hey, this is XYZ, I guess you don’t me well, but seeing the friends we share, I’m hoping we’ll have common grounds to talk about. 🙂
  3. Hi!
  4. Hello!
  5. Hey!

What Hi there means?

“Hi there” is a common informal greeting in English. We often use hi there when we are a little bit surprised to see someone because we didn’t see them at first. “There” in English means that something is far away from you.

Is Hello there rude?

While “Hi, there!” is not considered rude or inappropriate, it may be perceived as a bit of an odd greeting for a video presenter. The phrase is usually used as a greeting when someone is surprised, such as walking around a corner and nearly bumping into someone you didn’t expect to see – in that case, “Oh!

How do you respond to hi?

Answer a simple “hello” with a question. “How are you?” is a popular way to respond and keep the conversation going. You may want to add a simple “hello” to your response just to acknowledge the person, like “Hi there! How are you?” or “Hey man.

How do you respond when a girl says hi?

Originally Answered: If a girl says” hi”, how should I reply? Say ‘Hello beautiful” and smile. Then carry on with something more interesting so you get over that embarrassing moment of ‘not knowing how she would take it. Ask a normal question.

How do you say hello to your crush?

Smile as you say hello and try to make eye contact, showing that you’re friendly and would like to talk some other time.

  1. For example, if you see your crush as you’re walking to your seat, say, “Hey, Adam!” with a smile and keep walking.
  2. Speak loudly and clear enough so that your crush hears you.

What should I reply to a girl?

A good way to get her to respond is by letting her know you are thinking about her. Text her things like: “I really liked that outfit you wore yesterday.” or “You kicked butt when we all went bowling last week.” These things make her pay attention to the conversation, feel special, and know you like her.

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