How do you write findings in action research?

How do you write findings in action research?

What Should We Include in an Action Research Report?

  1. Describe the context where the action research takes place. This could be, for example, the school in which you teach.
  2. Contain a statement of your research focus.
  3. Detail the method(s) used.
  4. Highlight the research findings.
  5. Suggest implications.

How can action research be used in the classroom?

Action research provides qualitative data you can use to adjust your curriculum content, delivery, and instructional practices to improve student learning. Action research helps you implement informed change! Action research also helps you take charge of your personal professional development.

How do you identify a problem in action research?


  1. Know the different areas in which action research could be undertaken.
  2. Identify general problems in a school set up/institution suitable for action research.
  3. Analyze the general problems identified and arrive at a specific/workable/pin-pointed problem for action research.

What are some examples of action research?

The cycle of action research is emphasized in each of the examples….Some of the methods include:

  • Observing individuals or groups.
  • Using audio and video tape recording.
  • Using structured or semi-structured interviews.
  • Taking field notes.
  • Using analytic memoing.
  • Using or taking photography.
  • Distributing surveys or questionnaires.

What are the five phases of action research?

  • Step 1—Selecting a Focus.
  • Step 2—Clarifying Theories.
  • Step 3—Identifying Research Questions.
  • Step 4—Collecting Data.
  • Step 5—Analyzing Data.
  • Step 6—Reporting Results.
  • Step 7—Taking Informed Action.

What are the steps of action research?

  • Step 1: Identifying and Limiting the Topic.
  • Step 2: Gathering Information.
  • Step 3: Reviewing the Related Literature.
  • Step 4: Developing a Research Plan.
  • Step 5: Implementing the Plan and Collecting Data.
  • Step 6: Analyzing the Data.
  • Step 7: Developing an Action Plan.
  • Step 8: Sharing and Communicating the Results.

What are the two main types of action research?

The first, carried out by a single teacher, is individual teacher research. The second, conducted by a volunteer group working with a university professor and staff development officer, is collaborative action research.

What is the aim of action research?

Action research creates knowledge based on enquiries conducted within specific and often practical contexts. As articulated earlier, the purpose of action research is to learn through action that then leads on to personal or professional development.

What are the characteristics of action research?

Action research is characterised by clear stages, which include:

  • A consideration of action (reflection and reconnaissance);
  • Implementation of an action for improvement to individual practice;
  • The use of data collection on the action;
  • A review of the action through consideration of data;

What is Action Research in simple words?

Action Research is a method of systematic enquiry that teachers undertake as researchers of their own practice. You will draw on the findings of other researchers to help develop actions and interpret the consequences. As an action researcher, or teacher-researcher, you will generate research.

What is the concept of action research?

Action research is an interactive inquiry process that balances problem-solving actions implemented in a collaborative context with data-driven collaborative analysis or research to understand underlying causes enabling future predictions about personal and organizational change.

What are the principles of action research?

Principles of Action Research

  • Reflexive critique.
  • Dialectical critique.
  • Collaborative Resource.
  • Risk.
  • Plural Structure.
  • Theory, Practice, Transformation.

What is Action Research and its types?

In schools, action research refers to a wide variety of evaluative, investigative, and analytical research methods designed to diagnose problems or weaknesses—whether organizational, academic, or instructional—and help educators develop practical solutions to address them quickly and efficiently.

What are the two types of action research?

What are the basic steps of action research?

Whatever the scenario, action research always involves the same seven-step process….

  • Step 1—Selecting a Focus.
  • Step 2—Clarifying Theories.
  • Step 3—Identifying Research Questions.
  • Step 4—Collecting Data.
  • Step 5—Analyzing Data.
  • Step 6—Reporting Results.
  • Step 7—Taking Informed Action.

What are the components of Action Research?

Action research has four core components: action, research, collaboration and reflexivity.

What is Action Research and its process?

Action Research is either research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a reflective process of progressive problem solving that integrates research, action, and analysis. The research includes building a knowledge base to understand the effectiveness of the action or plan being considered.

What is meant by Action Research?

What is the main purpose of Action Research?

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