How do you write suggestions and recommendations?

How do you write suggestions and recommendations?

When you review samples of recommendation letters, you will notice that the basic format is as follows: opening – Introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the applicant. body – Give examples of the applicant’s best qualities, being as specific as possible. Put the most important qualities first.

How do you politely make suggestions?

How to Make Polite, Indirect Suggestions

  1. Turn your suggestion into a question.
  2. Use tentative language.
  3. Use past tenses.
  4. Use the word we whenever possible.
  5. 5 Polite Expressions for Making Requests and Asking for Favors.
  6. 9 “Innocent” Expressions That May Offend Your Listener.

How do you write a good suggestion?

Thank the reader for his/her willingness to read and consider your ideas. Offer your suggestion courteously, without openly criticizing the status quo. Stick to the point and just explain the potential benefits of your suggestion. Suggest a meeting with the reader to explain your ideas in greater detail.

How do you support a suggestion?

10 Common Ways to Reply to Idea Suggestions

  1. Ask for an image.
  2. Say thank you!: “Thank you for this thought-provoking idea.”
  3. Ask for an example.
  4. Ask the author to share their idea with their network.
  5. Provide an explanation.
  6. Use emojis!
  7. Ask the idea author to weigh in on similar ideas.

How do you respond to a suggested email?

Letter to reply positively to a suggestion Writing Tips

  1. Show your gratitude for the suggestion that has been provided.
  2. Be courteous and polite while replying to a suggestion thread.
  3. Mention how will you be benefitted with their suggestion.
  4. Be thankful to them for their suggestion as it has been really helpful for you.

How do you respond to someone’s suggestions?


  1. Show appreciation for the writer’s suggestion, initiative, and interest in helping you.
  2. State what action you plan to take (or have taken) on the suggestion.
  3. Summarize the benefits gained by using the suggestion. Restate your appreciation for a useful suggestion.

How do you appreciate a suggestion?

When you get great advice, you may show your appreciation with these phrases:

  1. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me.
  2. Thanks for the helpful advice!
  3. Thank you for sharing your advice with me.
  4. Thanks for agreeing to give me some advice.
  5. Thank you for offering your valuable advice.

How do you say thanks for suggestions?


  1. always appreciate your.
  2. am certainly grateful for your recommendations.
  3. appreciate your loyalty to the firm.
  4. appreciate your suggestion that we.
  5. appreciate your willingness to.
  6. asked me to thank you for.
  7. by the time you read this.
  8. for your suggestion to.

How do you write a message of appreciation?


  1. “You’re the best.”
  2. “I’m humbled and grateful.”
  3. “You knocked me off my feet!”
  4. “My heart is still smiling.”
  5. “Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure.”
  6. “Sometimes the simplest things mean the most.”
  7. “The banana bread was fabulous. You made my day.”
  8. “I’m touched beyond words.”

How do I pray to thank God?

O God Enthroned on High, in spite of my current situation, I will give You thanks and praise because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. Father, I choose not to worry about what I see. I pray for peace to rule in my heart. Lord thank You for what You’ve done, what You’re doing, and what You’re about to do.

How can I be thankful for everything?

To help you on your gratitude journey, here are 8 ways to have more gratitude in your daily life.

  1. Don’t be picky: appreciate everything.
  2. Find gratitude in your challenges.
  3. Practice mindfulness.
  4. Keep a gratitude journal.
  5. Volunteer.
  6. Express yourself.
  7. Spend time with loved ones.
  8. Improve your happiness in other areas of your life.

What is a good prayer to say everyday?

Dear Lord, Help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You a priority in my morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance, and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day.

How do we appreciate God?

All he really asks for is your love. In the bible, Psalms 22: 37, 38, Jesus told us to love Jehovah our God with our whole heart, soul, and mind. So the best thing you can give him to let him know how thankful you are is your heart. Obey his commandments and tell him in prayer that you are thankful.

What is the difference between praising God and Worshipping God?

In the Bible, praise is usually presented as highly-spirited, joyful and uninhibited. God asks all creation to praise him. Worship, on the other hand, goes deeper than praise. It is something that comes from the spirit.

Why did David praise God so much?

God Loved David So Much Because God Anointed David 13Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon David from that day forward” (1 Samuel 16:1, 13). God “provided for [himself] a king” among Jesse’s sons.

What are benefits of praising God?

Praising God will increase your faith in such times. See, as we spend time praising God, we can recount the great things He has done in our lives, other people’s lives, and even the great things the Lord did in the Bible. When we do this, our souls are reminded of God’s goodness, which builds our faith.

Why is praise important to God?

– Believers experience the presence of God which may result in limitless favor (Encouragement, healing, deliverance, peace, joy, provision, etc.) Again, the most important reasons to praise God include the fact that He is worthy and that God takes pleasure in our praise.

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