How does a fire standpipe work?
The standpipe extends into the building to supply fire fighting water to the interior of the structure via hose outlets, often located between each pair of floors in stairwells in high rise buildings. Dry standpipes are not filled with water until needed in fire fighting.
Where are standpipes required?
In addition, standpipes are required in high-rise buildings and some stage areas in assembly occupancies. Some occupancies also mandate the presence of standpipes, such as detention and correctional occupancies, airport terminals and piers, at certain thresholds.
What are the location requirements of standpipes in high rise buildings?
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipes and Hose Systems, requires that all areas of the building be within 200 feet of a standpipe outlet in a sprinklered building. In non-sprinklered buildings, the distance is 130 feet.
When attacking a fire on a high rise building with a standpipe suppression system you would connect to the?
Connecting to the standpipe outlet on the floor below the fire allows members to safely and expediently secure a water source for fire suppression. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Firefighter Fatality Investigation Report F99-01: Three Fire Fighters Die in a 10-Story High-Rise Apartment Building.
How do you test a standpipe?
Standpipe testing requirements include a static pressure test and a dynamic flow test. An understanding of the standpipe system configuration and the date of design is necessary in order to perform a flow test properly. Be sure to check hose valve position on dry standpipes before applying water.
What standpipe class can be used by both occupants and fire personnel?
Class II. These systems are designed for use as “first aid fire appliances” by building occupants, and may be used by the firefighting forces for suppression or during mop-up.
What type of standpipe is intended for fire department use only?
Manual Dry Standpipe system
Why are Type II standpipe systems so undesirable for firefighters?
Hazards: Standpipe systems may be poorly maintained, vandalized, improperly designed and incorrectly installed. Lack of attention to these systems not only during initial construction but also over the years they sit in these structures leads to decreased reliability.
Which type of standpipe is the most desirable?
design must allow class 1 and 2 systems to be used simultaneously. contains water at all times. the water supply is capable of meeting the system demand automatically. a wet standpipe with an automatic water supply is more desirable because water is constantly available a the hose station.
What is a fire department standpipe?
Standpipe systems are a series of pipes which connect a water supply to hose connections, basically an extension of the fire hydrant system. They are designed to provide a pre-piped water system for building occupants or the fire department.