How does Abigail feel about this relationship?

How does Abigail feel about this relationship?

Abigail is John’s former servant; she was dismissed from her duties after Elizabeth, John’s wife, discovered their affair. Abigail expresses her strong feelings for John, who insists that she forget about their prior affair and move on with her life.

What relationships does Abigail have in the crucible?

Abigail has a somewhat mixed relationship with the third member of the Parris household, Tituba. Abigail seems to believe in Tituba’s powers to the extent that she gets Tituba to make a potion to kill Goody Proctor (presumably so Abigail can marry John).

How does Abigail feel about John’s new wife Elizabeth?

Abigail still loves John and she not only is antagonistic toward Elizabeth because Elizabeth asked Abigail to leave the Proctor house, she is jealous of Elizabeth. Abigail sees Elizabeth as an impediment to her own happiness and she thinks if Elizabeth is out of the way, she can have John.

Is John in love with Abigail?

John’s feelings for Abigail are not entirely clear to us at the beginning of the play. He spends time with her in the first act, and is kind to her, although he also makes it clear that he is not going to resume their affair. This confession seems to indicate if John ever loved Abigail, he loves Elizabeth much more.

How does Elizabeth know John cheated on her?

Elizabeth learned that John cheated on her with Abigail and has lost trust in John. John and Abigail are the only ones that know the witchcraft was a fake and has nothing to show to defend that. Elizabeth thinks john was scared to confess because he’s scared of being exposed as a cheater.

Why does Elizabeth deny that John is a lecher?

Elizabeth Proctor denies the affair to the judges presiding over the Salem witchcraft trials, because she doesn’t want to destroy her husband’s good name in the town of Salem. Danforth, reaches out and holds her face, then: Look at me! To your own knowledge, has John Proctor ever committed the crime of lechery?

Why is John hesitant to tell the court what he knows?

John Proctor is hesitant to reveal the fact that Abigail has told him she and the other girls were just “sporting” in the woods mainly because this would indicate to his wife Elizabeth that he has had one-on-one contact with Abigail, his former “mistress”.

Why does Elizabeth say of John he have his goodness now?

He have his goodness now, God forbid I take it from him. What Elizabeth means is that her husband, John Proctor, has finally achieved redemption, and she will not take that away from him by asking him to confess to practicing witchcraft in order to save his life. He did not engage in any practices of witchcraft.

Why does Elizabeth blame herself for Proctor committing adultery with Abigail?

Why does Elizabeth blame herself for Johns Adultery? She blames herself because she says she kept a cold house all these years. Why is Hale spending time with the prisoners? He is spending time with the prisoners in hopes of their confessions so they will not hang, even if it were a lie.

Why does Elizabeth blame herself Act 4?

He blamed himself for being unfaithful to Elizabeth and even sought her forgiveness. It was at that moment that Elizabeth presented a confession of her own. She blamed herself for pushing John into lechery and admitted to not providing a loving and caring environment for her husband.

Why does Elizabeth blame herself for her marriage?

How does Elizabeth blame herself for the downfall of her marriage? She felt that she PUSHED John away and WAS NOT ABLE to receive John’s love. “He have his goodness now. “Suspicion kissed you when I did; I never knew how I should say my love.

Why does Elizabeth ask Proctor if he will confess?

Proctor asks Elizabeth if she thinks that he should confess. He says that he does not hold out, like Rebecca and Martha, because of religious conviction. Rather, he does so out of spite because he wants his persecutors to feel the weight of guilt for seeing him hanged when they know he is innocent.

Why does Elizabeth refuse to stop him from being hanged?

Elizabeth does not stop him because she is happy he finally forgave himself for his one sin (adultery). She says, “He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!”.

How does Abigail show her dishonesty in Act 4?

In Act IV of The Crucible Reverend Parris has discovered that Abigail has broken into his safe, stolen money, and fled town. Parris understands that this reveals her true character, and that she is only thinking of her own survival.

Why didnt Hale want John to hang?

Hale simply wants people to stop getting hanged. He feels responsible for their deaths, and is trying to keep people from hanging because they won’t confess. He feels that if Proctor confesses, his life will be saved, and maybe that will convince the others to confess and save their lives too.

Why did John Hale return in this act?

Hale has returned to Salem in Act 4 because he recognizes himself as the original instigator of the ultimately unfounded witch hysteria, and he doesn’t want to end up with the blood of innocent people on his hands (or at least innocent people who are widely respected like Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor).

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