
How does Atticus show courage in Chapter 11?

How does Atticus show courage in Chapter 11?

In Chapter 11, Atticus says to Jem, I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. Jem cannot understand why the world would be so unfair.

How does Scout show courage in Chapter 11?

In Chapter 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout learned what true courage looks like. After Mrs. Dubose insulted Atticus to the children, Jem “simply went mad” and beat the tops off of her camellia bushes with the baton he had just bought Scout with his twelfth birthday money, and then snapped the baton.

Why is Atticus concerned that JEM take this lesson to heart?

Why is Atticus concerned that Jem takes the lesson to heart? Jem throws the candy box in the fire (and keeps the camellia flower), but also asks “why can’t she leave me alone?”- in which he feels guilt for what he’d done because he [in a way] feels as if she’ll be haunting him.

What lesson did Jem learn from Mrs Dubose?


What lessons about courage do the children learn from their encounters with Miss Maudie and Mrs Dubose?

During these encounters, Jem learns courage; to control his emotions; to pursue the right course of action even when it is distasteful (or even appalling); and to turn a blind eye to what is distressing.

What chapter does Atticus kill the dog?

Chapter 11

What does the snowman symbolize in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The snowman symbolizes teamwork between the white and black people of the community. The snowman also foreshadows Tom Robinson’s death. The snowman representing Robinson’s life, is burned down during the fire. The snow symbolizing Atticus, and the mud representing Tom Robinson.

Why is Atticus called one shot Finch?

Atticus is referred to as One-Shot Finch by Miss Maudie because when he was younger he had the best shot in the county. He doesn’t like violence, so he stopped shooting when he had kids.

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