How does clear cutting compare with selective cutting?

How does clear cutting compare with selective cutting?

Clear cutting means most – or all – of the trees in a given area are cut down. In selective cutting, only selected trees are cut, leaving the rest of the stand intact.

What are the advantages of clear cutting versus selective cutting?

Selective cutting allows ecosystems to support more wildlife than clear cutting and allows forests to retain some of their resistance to disease and pests. In addition, studies show that carbon uptake levels will quickly recuperate if selective cutting is done properly.

Which is more expensive clear cutting or selective cutting?

Still destroys large sections of the ecosystem. Not as efficient as clear-cutting, and therefore more expensive. Selective Cutting: The object of selective cutting is to reduce visual scarring and preserve species diversity in forests.

What are the negative effects of clear cutting?

Clearcutting may lead to increased stream flow during storms, loss of habitat and species diversity, opportunities for invasive and weedy species, and negative impacts on scenery, specifically, a growth of contempt by those familiar with the area for the wooded, planet aftermaths, as well as a decrease in property …

Does clear cutting cause pollution?

Accelerates climate change – Clearcutting releases more CO2 emissions than any other form of logging, and areas that are clearcut will not be “climate-neutral” for many decades. Large amounts of carbon are also stored in forest soils and roots; that carbon is released into the atmosphere during clearcutting operations.

Who does clear cutting positive impact?

Clearcutting pros: It creates wide, open spaces with lots of sun exposure. This allows the most sunlight to reach tree seedlings that require full-sun conditions to thrive. Clearcutting also creates forest clearings that are habitat for some species of songbirds, deer and elk.

How can we make clear cutting sustainable?

This involves removing large sections of forest, dozens of acres at a time, and either replanting within two years or allowing natural regeneration to occur. Supporters of this method claim that certain trees grow better in clear-cut areas because they allow the saplings full sunlight and more room to grow (Moore).

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