
How does Hamlet act during the play?

How does Hamlet act during the play?

In act 3 Hamlet is behaving in a rude and confrontational manner. He is condescending and insolent to everyone. At the beginning of Act 3 he is gentle with Ophelia, but then becomes angry and vulgar with her later in the act. (see example below) He is sarcastic with his mother and Claudius.

How does Hamlet’s madness affect him throughout the play?

82-85). Hamlet also demonstrates madness when he questions his presence and purpose on earth and thinks about suicide. Hamlet creates a mysterious and nifty character throughout the play, and his role-playing and acts of madness develop his character in a sane manner.

What is strange about Hamlet’s behavior?

So, at first some of his actions in the play are quite strange and erratic. In His such actions as fondness for ridiculing, his cruelty towards Ophelia, his broken sleep and bad dreams, his melancholy and his desire for secrecy, in the scene of Ophelia’s funeral Hamlet etc seem to be totally strange and out of control.

What is to be or not to be soliloquy about?

The soliloquy is essentially all about life and death: “To be or not to be” means “To live or not to live” (or “To live or to die”). Hamlet discusses how painful and miserable human life is, and how death (specifically suicide) would be preferable, would it not be for the fearful uncertainty of what comes after death.9. dec 2019.

How did King Claudius describe Hamlet’s strange behavior?

Claudius says that Hamlet’s strange behavior has clearly not been caused by love for Ophelia and that his speech does not seem like the speech of insanity. He says that he fears that melancholy sits on something dangerous in Hamlet’s soul like a bird sits on her egg, and that he fears what will happen when it hatches.

Why is Hamlet rude to Polonius?

He believes that Polonius is an old fool. In Act Two, Scene 2, Hamlet disrespects Polonius to his face by calling him a fishmonger and refuses to answer him directly throughout their conversation. Hamlet does not respect Polonius, because he is friends with King Claudius and acts like an idiot.

Who killed Ophelia in Hamlet?

In Act 4 Scene 7, Queen Gertrude reports that Ophelia had climbed into a willow tree (There is a willow grows aslant the brook), and that the branch had broken and dropped Ophelia into the brook, where she drowned.

Why does the play end with such bloodshed and death?

Why does the play end with such bloodshed and death? The play ends with bloodshed and death because Shakespeare wanted to add a dramatic effect and underline his point; that death is inevitable. All the characters had some sins on their backs that they did not pay for.

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