How does Holden describe Ackley?

How does Holden describe Ackley?

According to Holden, Ackley is a supremely irritating classmate who constantly barges into the room, exhibits disgusting personal habits and poor hygiene, and always acts as if he’s doing others a favor by spending time with them.

What does Holden call Robert Ackley?

Ackley kid

How does Holden describe Ackley and Stradlater?

Ackley and Stradlater didn’t like each other because he embarrassed him. He told him to brush his teeth once in awhile. Holden describes Stradlater as good looking and he is a slob because he shaves with a dirty razor. He conceited and very photogenic in pictures.

What does Holden call Ackley that annoys him?

“Holden’s unpleasant dormmate, whose personal habits are dirty and whose room stinks. Holden suspects that Ackley does not brush his teeth and describes them as mossy.

Why was Holden crying when he left?

Why do you think Holden was crying as he left Pencey Prep? He probably felt bad for getting kicked out of his schools over and over again, and he didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone. Holden also says that he is leaving Pencey because of a brain tumor surgery.

Why is Holden not at the football game?

Holden is not attending the football game for two reasons, both of which reveal a good deal about his character. First, Holden is careless and sometimes irresponsible. As manager of the fencing team, he left the equipment on the subway en route to a meet that morning with McBurney School in New York City.

Why is Holden in a mental hospital?

SALINGER STARTED THE BOOK AFTER BEING RELEASED FROM A MENTAL HOSPITAL. Multiple scholars view Holden’s alienation as a veiled response to what Salinger had witnessed as a soldier in World War II, where he spent 11 months advancing on Berlin. Shortly after the German surrender, he checked himself into a mental hospital.

Why does seeing the little boy walking with his family cheer Holden spirits?

Seeing the little boy walking with his family cheers Holden’s spirits because the sight of them being so relaxed and care free makes Holden want to be relaxed and care free like them. It gave him the idea that he shouldn’t be so stressed and depressed, and he should just not care about what people say.

Why is Holden blind when he calls Sally What is her reaction when she answers the phone?

What is her reaction when she answers the phone? Holden is drunk when he calls Sally. Sally is annoyed, angry.

How did the little boy walking with his family lifted Holdens spirits?

Download The Catcher in the Rye Study Guide. 2. How did the little boy walking with his family lift Holden’s spirits? Although Holden is getting low on cash, he takes a cab to the park instead of the subway.

What is the best thing Holden can say about bores?

What is the best thing Holden can say about bores? They do not hurt anyone—most of them. In addition, they might have a special talent like being able to whistle well.

Why does the sight of the six year old boy with his parents raise Holden’s spirit?

Why does the sight of the six-year-old boy with his parents raise Holden’s spirit? – The sight of the little boy raised his spirits because even though the boy seemed poor, he was happily singing and having fun.

Why does Holden not want to tell his mother that he was expelled again?

Why does Holden not want to tell his mother that he was expelled again? He doesn’t want to tell his mother because she had become very nervous and her health went down after Allie died.

What do we learn about Holden’s behavior from Sally that he doesn’t realize himself?

during his conversation with sally after their ice skating flop what do we learn from sally about holden that he doesn’t realize himself. no because he is becoming more mature but he thinks it is weird.

What place does Holden tell about going to every Saturday as a kid?

Holden remembers his teacher Mrs. Aigletinger taking them to the museum nearly every Saturday. He would look at the animals and Indians which made Holden happy when he thought about it. They had to go through the Indian room to get to the auditorium which Holden remembers as having a nice smell.

Why does Holden want to take off with Sally now instead of after college?

Why does Holden want to take off with Sally now instead of after college? If they wait until college, Holden believes that they will lose some of their youth and have to gain responsibilities to join the adult world. What is Holden’s opinion of the Christmas show at Radio City? He thinks it is lame and phony.

Why does Holden Call Sally a phony?

Holden’s insulting words towards Sally tell us a lot more about him than they do about her. She represents everything he’s come to despise. She’s bubbly, popular, and entirely at ease with the society in which she moves so effortlessly. This makes her a “phony” in Holden’s eyes.

Why did Holden get mad at Luce?

Why did Holden get mad at Luce for calling his (Luce’s) old girlfriend the “Whore of New Hampshire”? He felt like it wasn’t nice of Luce to call a girl that who was “decent and nice enough” to let Luce have sex with her.

What does Holden’s father do for a living?

What does Holdens father do for work? His father is wealthy corporation attorney. Holden gives his money to two cheap nuns.

How does Holden describe Mr Antolini?

One of the more controversial characters in the novel, Mr. Antolini was Holden’s favorite teacher at Elkton Hills. Holden admires and respects him because Antolini is not only intellectual and perceptive, but he has a heart.

How does Holden feel about Romeo and Juliet?

Holden feels sorry for him because he gets killed when it’s not really his fault. Much of the problem in the play is caused by Romeo and Juliet falling in love with each other even though their families hate each other. That’s why when they die, Holden says it is their own fault.

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