
How does Huck change throughout the book?

How does Huck change throughout the book?

By the end of the book, Huck, then, has changed from a self-serving young boy who has used Jim for his own amusement and who has been guided by a set of morals which are unjust and discriminatory and which he can now see do not serve the greater good. He is a better person.

What happens in chapter 2 of Huckleberry Finn?

Summary: Chapter 2 Huck and Tom tiptoe through the Widow’s garden. Huck trips on a root as he passes by the kitchen, and Jim, one of Miss Watson’s slaves, hears him from inside. Huck tells us that afterward, Jim tells everyone that some witches flew him around and put the hat atop his head.

What new knowledge of human nature has Huck gained?

It shows Huck that Jim is a human being, and even though he’s a slave, he still has feelings. What new knowledge of human nature has Huck gained? People can be hurt by jokes, and you must think of the possible outcomes before you pick on someone.

How does Mrs Loftus know Huck is a boy?

She really shows her intelligence when she puts Huck through a series of subtle tests, to find out his gender. First, she drops a bar of lead in his lap and he claps his legs together. Loftus shows her compassion and caring nature after she has figured out that Huck is a boy.

Is Huck Finn a unreliable narrator?

Huck can be an unreliable narrator, and his naïve misreading of situations creates dramatic irony, which contrasts Huck’s essentially good nature to the cynicism and hypocrisy of adults. Dramatic irony refers to situations where the reader knows more than a character in a book, and Twain employs it often in Huck Finn.

What is the difference between Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn?

Themes. The confrontation between Tom and Huck at the end of Huckleberry Finn highlights the most important difference between the two books. While Tom Sawyer is a comedic children’s adventure story, Huckleberry Finn is a darker and more serious book, dealing with the evils of slavery and Huck’s loss of innocence.

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