
How does Lyons get $10 out of Troy?

How does Lyons get $10 out of Troy?

He has been given a promotion that will make him the first black garbage truck driver in the city. Lyons shows up and asks if Troy wants to hear him play jazz that night. Lyons surprises Troy by paying him back the ten dollars he borrowed from Troy two Fridays ago.

Why does Troy leave home at the age of 14?

Troy was afraid of his father until that moment. At that moment, however, Troy believes he became a man. He could no longer live under the roof with a man that would commit these unacceptable acts, so he left home to be on his own, though he was homeless and broke, with no ties or family elsewhere.

Why is Cory upset with Troy?

Rose tells him that Troy was upset about Cory leaving the house without doing his chores or helping him with the fence. He unsuccessfully flirts with Rose, and then yells at Cory to come outside and help him with the fence. Troy reprimands Cory for going to football practice instead of doing his chores.

Is Gabe Troy’s brother?

Gabriel is Troy’s brother. He’s the only sibling Troy is still in touch with, though they grew up in a large family. Gabe was wounded in World War II and now has a metal plate in his head.

Why did Rose Marry Troy in Fences?

Rose tells Cory that a big part of the reason she married Troy was because she thought he would make good babies. Although Cory and his father did not get along, Rose insists that they are alike, and here she implies that she approves of the resemblance.

Why does Troy like at Bella’s?

Troy shop’s at Bella’s because he is treated right over there, when he wants to buy a loaf of bread, Bella allows him to pay her back the money he didn’t have when he came into buy the loaf of bread.

What is Troy’s grievance with his boss Mr Rand?

Rand (Troy and his fellow collectors’ boss). As Troy and Bono talk, we learn that Troy filed a complaint with Mr. Rand through the union about the fact that all the garbage-truck-driving positions are filled by white men, while black men are only assigned to carry garbage.

What subject does Troy seem to be obsessed with?


What does Troy say to death at the end of this scene?

What does Troy say to Death at the end of this scene? – At the end of the scene Troy says to Death “can’t taste nothing no more” It’s between you and me now. Come on! Anytime you want!” Troy is essentially taunting death since he is literally at his breaking point now that he has nobody in his life.

What does the devil represent in fences?

Troy casts the Devil as the main character of his exaggerated stories that entertain, bewilder and frustrate his family and friends. Eventually, Troy’s association of the Devil as a harbinger of death comes to represent his struggle to survive the trials of his life.

Did Denzel gain weight fences?

For his latest role in The Little Things, Denzel Washington took a page out of Bale’s book and decided to tack on a few extra pounds to give his character that I’m-too-damn-old-for-this look.

What happened to Troy’s mother in fences?

One night, Troy’s mother sneaked out of the house after his father had gone to sleep, and never came back—even though she told Troy she’d return to take him with her.

Does Gabriel die at the end of fences?

The final moments of Fences are pretty darn awesome. On the day of Troy’s funeral, his brother Gabriel returns to open the gates of heaven for him…and succeeds. Gabriel suffered a head wound during World War II and now has a metal plate in his head.

Why do Cory and Troy get in a fight in Scene 4?

When Cory stands up to Troy by scolding him like a child with the disgust of his opinions on Troy’s failings, Cory, like Troy before him, becomes a man by challenging his father. Cory and Troy engage in physical violence just as Troy did with his own father when he came of age.

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