
How does McMurphy influence the other patients?

How does McMurphy influence the other patients?

“McMurphy helps the people in the ward find their way back from the fog and return back to the real world” (Lupack). McMurphy’s laughter and jokes, along with his personality, cause a great change in the patients of the ward and he helps them cure their “mental illness”.

What is unusual about McMurphy?

What is unusual about McMurphy? McMurphy does not act like others. He is loud, laughs, and very bold.

How would you describe McMurphy?

Randle McMurphy—big, loud, sexual, dirty, and confident—is an obvious foil for the quiet and repressed Bromden and the sterile and mechanical Nurse Ratched. McMurphy represents sexuality, freedom, and self-determination—characteristics that clash with the oppressed ward, which is controlled by Nurse Ratched.

How does McMurphy manipulate Spivey?

McMurphy manipulates Dr. Spivey just as he manipulates the rest of the men on the ward—by figuring out what he wants and then letting him think that he’s getting it. McMurphy provides Dr. Spivey with two opportunities to do just this.

Who is responsible for Billy bibbit death?

Nurse Ratched

What does bromden say McMurphy smells like?

Bromden, sweeping underneath McMurphy’s bed, realizes that McMurphy smells “of dust and dirt from the open fields, and sweat, and work.” In all of his years in the hospital, Bromden hasn’t smelled anything like it before.

What is the combine in Cuckoo’s Nest?

The Combine is what Chief Bromden calls society at large, a giant force that exists to oppress the people within it. The hospital ward is a mere factory for remedying mistakes made within The Combine (within neighborhoods and churches), to re-set peoples’ behavior into the “correct” behavior.

What does Nurse Ratched do to McMurphy?

McMurphy lunges at Nurse Ratched in an attempt to strangle her and tears her garment open, exposing her breasts to the other horrified patients. Nurse Ratched sends McMurphy to receive a lobotomy, and he is returned to the ward in a vegetative state.

Why does Chief Bromden see fog?

In this novel, fogs symbolize a lack of insight and an escape from reality. When Bromden starts to slip away from reality, because of his medication or out of fear, he hallucinates fog drifting into the ward.

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