
How does McMurphy upset Ward?

How does McMurphy upset Ward?

McMurphy and Chief get into a fight with the orderlies in order to protect Rub-a-Dub George. They’re sent to the Disturbed Ward where they undergo electroshock therapy. McMurphy is so angry that he smashes a glass door and assaults Nurse Ratched.

How does McMurphy annoy Nurse Ratched?

McMurphy also teaches the men to play blackjack. At one point, annoyed with the loud waltz music being played, he invades the nurse’s station to turn it down, thereby coming into direct conflict with Nurse Ratched, as patients are not allowed in the nurse’s station.

Why does Nurse Ratched argue against sending McMurphy to the disturbed ward?

What does Ratched think? They decide that McMurphy is potentially violent and should be sent to the Disturbed ward. Ratched disagrees; she declares instead that McMurphy is an ordinary man, subject to the same fears and timidity as the others.

Why was McMurphy sent to the ward?

Ratched unsuccessfully tries to break his spirit through repeated shock therapy treatments. In the novel’s climax, McMurphy sneaks two prostitutes into the ward to take Billy’s virginity, while he and the others throw a party.

Does Dolly get killed in Ratched?

Ratched flashes back to her horrific childhood while watching a puppet show with Gwendolyn, and causes a scene, later confessing to Gwendolyn that Edmund is her brother. Edmund and Dolly are captured but Dolly tries to shoot it out with the police, but dies in the gunfight. Edmund is returned to the hospital in chains.

How did Nurse Ratched die?

The Netflix series is sort of like a prequel to the incidents of the novel. In the book, Ratched blames McMurphy for Billy’s death. Furious, McMurphy attacks Ratched and strangles her. He also tears off her clothes for all the other inmates to see.21

Why is Nurse Ratched called Big Nurse?

A former army nurse, Nurse Ratched represents the oppressive mechanization, dehumanization, and emasculation of modern society—in Bromden’s words, the Combine. Her nickname is “Big Nurse,” which sounds like Big Brother, the name used in George Orwell’s novel 1984 to refer to an oppressive and all-knowing authority.

Who comes to Harding?

Chief accompanies the Acutes to the library, where Harding is visited by his wife. Harding introduces her to McMurphy. She tells McMurphy to call her by her first name, Vera, rather than Mrs. Harding.

How does Nurse Ratched manipulate the doctor?

She manipulates the meeting by disregarding the doctor and the patients as if they were insignificant. This says that the other doctors don’t have as much authority as the nurse. You just studied 8 terms!

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