How does Milo steal sound?
Chapter 13 Milo hurries back to the angry mob where he is directed to deposit his stolen sound into a large cannon. When fired, the sound shatters the walls of the fortress and all the sounds in the vault come crashing out.
What did Milo steal from the Soundkeeper?
In the previous chapter of ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’, Milo visited the Soundkeeper and stole a sound. Find out what happens as Milo returns to the Valley of Sound, and where he goes next on his journey.
What word does Milo trap in his mouth?
He stopped speaking quite abruptly and the sound of the word ‘but’ remained trapped in his mouth. This is how Milo found a way to carry sound out of the fortress.
What did Milo learn from the Valley of sound?
When he reaches the Valley of Sound, Milo learns what happens when too many people take Dr. Dischord’s perspective. As Milo learns, the residents of the valley became so unable to appreciate beautiful sounds that the Soundkeeper takes them away along with all the noises as well.
Who Saves Milo from the demons?
King Azaz
What kinds of sound fill the Valley of sound?
1 of 5 What kinds of sound fill the Valley of Sound?
- Loud, squeaky sounds.
- Orchestral sounds.
- Whispers.
- No sounds at all.
How do people in the Valley of sound communicate?
During the silent period, people communicated by writing and body language. They sent Milo to the sound keeper to retrieve the sounds, which is when he said “but” and got the sound back.
What does Dynne mean?
DYNNE – The name of the assistant sounds like the word din, which means a loud, long unpleasant noise.
What exactly is sound?
In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. In human physiology and psychology, sound is the reception of such waves and their perception by the brain.
How many mph is sound?
761 mph
What is sound short answer?
Sound is defined as vibrations that travel through the air or another medium as an audible mechanical wave. It is produced from a vibrating body. The vibrating body causes the medium (water, air, etc.) around it to vibrate thus producing sound.
Which metal has highest speed of sound?
Selected Sound Speeds in Metals
Metal | Density (gm/cm3) | Vl m/s |
Aluminum, rolled | 2.7 | 6420 |
Brass (70 Cu, 30 Zn) | 8.6 | 4700 |
Steel, 347 stainless | 7.9 | 5790 |
Does sound travel faster in steel or aluminum?
Elastic Properties The speed of sound is also different for different types of solids, liquids, and gases. Therefore, sound can travel faster through mediums with higher elastic properties (like steel) than it can through solids like rubber, which have lower elastic properties.