How does Othello kill Desdemona?

How does Othello kill Desdemona?

Beside above, how does Othello initially plan to kill Desdemona? Othello plans to kill her with poison; Iago suggests he strangle her/smother her with the pillow instead; Othello thinks this is fair because she will die in the bed where she committed her sins with Cassio.

Why did Othello decide to kill Desdemona and himself?

Othello killed Desdemona because he believed that she had become unfaithful. Othello kills himself, however, out of a mixture of guilt and self-loathing, after he learns that Desdemona was nothing but faithful to him, and that Iago had cruelly deceived him.

Why does Othello kill Desdemona in her bed?

She says that Cassio has killed Roderigo. Then Desdemona’s voice is heard from the bed, saying “falsely murdered” and Emilia calls for help. Emilia sees herself as a witness and will tell what she has seen, and Othello declares that he has killed Desdemona because of her infidelity.

How does Othello feel about killing Desdemona?

Othello’s reaction upon Desdemona’s death is a mixture of shock, hysterics, and anger. The greatest irony of the play is that it is only after killing Desdemona that Othello learns the truth about her; he finds out that she was blameless, and that Iago was manipulating him into believing otherwise.

Does Othello justify his killing of Desdemona?

What does he think he is doing, and why? Othello still loves Desdemona, and does not want to see her slaughtered so he decides to smother her. Othello believes by killing her in this manner and by letting her repent her “sins” he is saving her soul and sending her to heaven.

What does Othello tell the audience before he kills himself?

Iago has been so successful that Othello feels compelled to kill himself, explaining that “I kissed thee ere I killed thee—no way but this, Killing myself to die upon a kiss” (5.2.).

Did Cassio sleep with Emilia?

He suggests that Cassio might have also slept with Emilia and that it is, therefore, his duty to punish the lieutenant for his transgression by making Othello believe that his trusted lieutenant was doing the same with his wife, the beautiful Desdemona.

Why does Cassio kiss Emilia?

Cassio welcomes Desdemona and Emilia—flirtatiously kissing Emilia. Iago quips that if Emilia would kiss Cassio’s lips as deftly as she whips him (Iago) with her tongue, Cassio would be over her quickly. As Iago mocks his wife for being a nag, Desdemona tries to defend her. Desdemona then asks Iago his opinion of women.

Who does Desdemona say killed her?

Desdemona declares she is guiltless, but when Emilia asks her who murdered her, she refuses to name Othello. “Nobody. I myself,” Desdemona says. Desdemona finally dies asking Emilia to give Othello her love (5.2.

How does Iago die?

In the final scene, Othello (thinking she has cuckolded him with Cassio) murders Desdemona; and, in another husband-murders-wife parallel, when she speaks out about what he has done, Iago murders Emilia. Othello then kills himself. Iago is taken off to be tortured but – as the curtain falls – is still not killed.

Is Iago jealous of Othello?

Iago was also jealous of Othello which is why he plotted to have him killed. Iago felt that Othello was not suitable to be in charge and wanted it for himself. Iago was so jealous that he didn’t care who died as long as he got what he wanted….

Why does Othello kill himself?

Iago manipulates Othello into believing his wife Desdemona is unfaithful, stirring Othello’s jealousy. Othello allows jealousy to consume him, murders Desdemona, and then kills himself.

Who all dies in Othello?

Specifically, we learned that by the end of Othello, there are four dead bodies: Desdemona, Emilia, Roderigo, and Othello himself. Iago murdered two of these people with his own hand, but his influence is at the bottom of them all….

Is Othello a tragic hero?

Othello is a tragic hero because he is noble, he suffers from a fatal tragic flaw and he goes through a tragic downfall. All these traits that Othello exhibits lead him to be known as one of the most well-known tragic heroes in all of literature.

How does Othello kill Desdemona?

How does Othello kill Desdemona?

Holding a candle, Othello stands over the sleeping Desdemona and prepares to kill her. He bends down to kiss her once before he does the deed, she wakes, and he tells her to prepare to die. Wrestling with her as she begs to be allowed to live just a little longer, Othello finally succeeds in smothering his wife.

Does Desdemona cheat on Othello?

Desdemona’s love for Othello is pure, constant, and unconditional. She would never cheat on Othello. Unlike Emilia, Desdemona’s love is absolute; no price or prize could tempt her to commit adultery; no unkind act on Othello’s part could drive her to another man.

What kind of woman is Desdemona?

Desdemona is a lady of spirit and intelligence. For all the claims of military straightforwardness of some other characters, Desdemona is the most direct and honest speaker in the play. Her speeches are not as lengthy as those of the men, but with Desdemona, every word counts.

What does Othello say when he kills Desdemona?

At first, Othello denies having any part in his wife’s death. But then he loudly denounces her as a “liar, gone to burning hell” (129), admitting that he killed her. “She turn’d to folly, and she was a whore” (132); “she was false as water . . . Cassio did top her” (134-136).

Why did Othello slap Desdemona?

Othello slaps Desdemona because she is not admitting to being unfaithful to him and he is getting increasingly frustrated with her.

Did Othello kill Desdemona?

Iago manipulates Othello into believing his wife Desdemona is unfaithful, stirring Othello’s jealousy. Othello allows jealousy to consume him, murders Desdemona, and then kills himself.

Why does Othello stab himself?

Othello’s suicide serves as a kind of trial in which he decides on and enacts a punishment for his crime of killing Desdemona. In his final speech, he explains how he hopes to be remembered, saying “When you shall these unlucky deed relate / Speak of me as I am” (5.2.).

What does Othello tell Desdemona to do before he kills her?

He keeps telling himself that he has to kill her. He is trying to justify it with himself. What does Othello try to get Desdemona to do before he kills her? Othello tries to get her to admit to sleeping with Cassio.

Why does Othello think Cassio is crying out?

Why does Othello think Cassio is crying out? Iago is murdering him. Roderigo is beating him. He is about to kill himself.

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