How does Romeo get Juliet to kiss him?

How does Romeo get Juliet to kiss him?

How does Romeo convince Juliet to kiss him? He talks to her in religious metaphors, describes her as a saint and he a pilgrim who needs his sin erased only she can do this. After their second kiss, Juliet is called by her nurse to go to her mother.

Do Romeo and Juliet sleep together?

Romeo and Juliet did sleep together after their secret marriage. This is made clear in act 3, scene 5, when they wake up in bed together at dawn. Juliet urges Romeo to leave before her relatives find him and kill him.

Who interrupts Romeo and Juliet when they kiss?

Romeo and Juliet continue their exchanges and they kiss, but are interrupted by The Nurse, who sends Juliet to find her mother. In her absence, Romeo asks the Nurse who Juliet is and on discovering that she is a Capulet, realizes the grave consequences of their love.

Who asked Juliet marry?


Why does Juliet fall in love with Romeo?

Meeting Juliet and finding that she is amenable to his advances helps him to move on from Rosaline. On the other hand, Juliet loves Romeo because she feels pressure from her parents to marry. They have an instant attraction, and when a person is young and impressionable, this is sometimes all it takes to spark love.

Why does Juliet think Romeo died?

When Juliet misunderstands the Nurse and thinks that Romeo is dead, she does not think that he was killed, but that he killed himself. And thinking that Romeo is dead, Juliet quickly decides that she too must die. Her love for Romeo will allow no other course of action.

How did Romeo kill Paris?

After refusing Romeo’s pleas for him to leave, Paris and Romeo draw their swords and fight. Romeo eventually kills him during the sword fight, and his dying wish is for Romeo to lay him next to Juliet, which Romeo does.

Who banishes Romeo?

Prince Escalus

How did Romeo feel when Mercutio dies?

Romeo, angered by Mercutio’s death, goes searching for Tybalt. They find each other and fight. The fight ends when Romeo kills Tybalt. Realising what he has done, he flees.

What is Romeo punishment for killing Tybalt?

Friar Lawrence tells Romeo that his punishment for killing Tybalt is banishment, not death. Romeo responds that death is preferable to banishment from Juliet.

Why does Mercutio die?

After Romeo receives a death threat from Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, Mercutio expects Romeo to engage Tybalt in a duel. However, Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt, because Romeo now considers Tybalt to be kin due to his secret marriage to Juliet. He fails, however, as Mercutio gets stabbed under Romeo’s arm and dies.

Why does Juliet wish darkness to come?

Juliet wishes for night to come so that “Romeo [will] leap to [her] arms, untalked of and unseen” (6-7). She wants the night to come so she can spend her wedding night with her husband. The Nurse’s inability to deliver a clear message gives Juliet some agonizing moments.

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