How does squeaky feel about her brother Raymond?

How does squeaky feel about her brother Raymond?

Q. How does Squeaky feel about her brother Raymond? Squeaky loves him. He embarrasses her.

How does squeaky feel about Raymond and about having to take care of him Support your answer with details from the beginning of Raymond’s Run?

Squeaky’ s greatest passion in life is running. When she discovers that Raymond can run, she is excited. She realizes that it is a way she can reach him. She can coach him in running, and it is a way that others can relate to him.

How do you think squeaky feel about taking care of her brother?

How does Squeaky feel about taking care of her brother? She hates it and wishes her mother would pay more attention. She just rolls with it. She feels like she has to constantly keep an out to make sure he is safe even if she is doing something on her own.

How does squeaky protect Raymond?

As you can see, Squeaky is a very protective character because she is always talking care of Raymond by making sure he is safe. Not only does she keep him out of harm’s way, but she also defends him if other people are unkind to him as well as she prevents herself from being hurt by others.

What plans does squeaky have for Raymond at the end of the story?

She realizes that Raymond’s a pretty good runner himself, and that she can work with him and be his running coach. Squeaky has a new plan in which she and Gretchen will coach Raymond.

What three reasons does squeaky give as to why Gretchen won’t beat her?

Gretchen challenges Squeaky by “putting out on the tale that she is going to win the first place medal this year.” Squeaky says that the idea of Gretchen winning is “Ridiculous,” and “she’s got short legs” and “she’s got freckles.” These are not valid reasons why Gretchen would lose the race.

What is the conflict between Squeaky and Gretchen in Raymond’s Run?

The conflict between Gretchen and Squeaky is that they both want to win the race. Winning is very important to Squeaky. She has a complicated life because she has to spend most of her time looking after her brother, Raymond, who is older than her but has a younger mental age.

What will happen to squeaky when she gets home if she lets Raymond get wet in the puddle?

However, there are times when Raymond gets away from Squeaky, playing in puddles in the gutter or running undeterred across the street. This makes life difficult in another respect: when Raymond plays in the puddles and gets wet, Squeaky gets in trouble when she arrives home. Squeaky takes her running very seriously.

What does squeaky do at the end of the story to demonstrate her change in attitude toward Gretchen?

By the end of “Raymond’s Run,” Squeaky certainly changes her attitudes as she begins to see Raymond as a person in his own right, and she realizes that others, such as Gretchen, are not necessarily antagonistic toward her.

How does squeaky change from the beginning to the end of the story?

In the beginning of her story, the first-person narrator Squeaky, tells about herself and her goals; however, at the end of the narrative, Squeaky acquires a new focus: her brother Raymond and his own potential as a runner. Squeaky’s altered focus brings her new maturity.

Why does squeaky want to win the race so badly?

She is always either running or doing something to improve further her athletic skills. But for this May Day race, she might be said to be a bit worried. We hear her trying to convince herself that Gretchen can’t defeat her. “In the second place, she’s (Gretchen) got short legs.

Which excerpt from Raymond’s run best shows that squeaky isn’t afraid to stand up for herself?

The excerpt which best shows that Squeaky isn’t afraid to stand up for herself is: “But as they get to me, they slow down.

Why does squeaky watch Raymond instead of George?

Their father works. Squeaky has only one responsibility: she is in charge of keeping an eye on her brother Raymond who is disabled. Her brother George originally had the job, but he failed to watch Raymond closely enough, so the job was given to Squeaky.

What happens when squeaky meets Gretchen and her friends on the street?

What happens when Squeaky meets Gretchen and her friends on the street? A The girls try to make Squeaky feel bad, but she defends herself. D Squeaky tries to start a fight with the girls, but Raymond stops it. …

What happens when squeaky runs into Gretchen?

In “Raymond’s Run,” what happens when Squeaky runs into Gretchen, Mary Louise, and Rosie on a walk with her brother? A: The girls decide to have a race. The girls get into a physical fight. pls Ans fast.

Are Squeaky and Gretchen friends?

Squeaky and Gretchen may become friends, co-coaching Raymond. Squeaky may also become friendlier with Mary Louise and Rosie.

Why does Cynthia hate squeaky?

Squeaky works hard for what she accomplishes. She practices running, studies hard in school, and usually succeeds at what she sets her mind to. She does not appreciate it when people like Cynthia Procter pretend that something comes easy to them when they in fact had to work hard at it too.

How does squeaky feel about Cynthia Proctor?

Squeaky gives readers enough information about her to infer that she is prideful and pretentious. Cynthia is prideful because she wants to draw attention to herself and her many talents. She wants other people to think that her academic and musical talents are effortless and come naturally to her.

What is squeaky actually thinking about when she jumps up and down after they announce the winner?

What is Squeaky actually thinking about when she jumps up and down after they announce the winner? She thinks that Gretchen’s middle name must be ridiculous since it starts with a P. C. She is excited about the potential she sees in Raymond’s ability to run.

Why does squeaky not want to participate in the May Day activities?

Squeaky isn’t especially enthusiastic about the May Day celebration. She takes her time getting to the park on May Day because the track meet is the last event of the program, and that is the only event she wants to participate in. Squeaky especially wants to avoid the May Pole dancing.

Why does squeaky always arrive late to the May Day program?

Squeaky doesn’t like to be present for the May Pole dancing, which she feels is worthless and too feminine for her tastes. Why does Squeaky always arrive late for the May Day program? Squeaky begins to respect Gretchen and even considers that she might like to help coach Raymond.

How does squeaky feel about the beginning of the May Day program?

How does Squeaky feel about the May Day crowd? Squeaky feels that they don’t act themselves, they like someone else.

WHat can you tell about squeaky from this line in Raymond’s Run?

WHat can you tell about Squeaky from this line in “Raymond’s Run”? You’d think she’d be glad her daughter ain’t out there prancing around the May Pole getting the new clothes all dirty and sweaty and trying to act like a fairy or a flower… The May Pole gets in the way. The finish is very close.

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