How does Steinbeck reveal character in Of Mice and Men?

How does Steinbeck reveal character in Of Mice and Men?

Much of his characterization is through her own dialogue, particularly in the scene in which she verbally abuses and threatens Crooks and in the scene in the barn in which she confides to Lennie about her aspirations to make something of herself and to take advantage of her attractiveness while she is still young.

How does Steinbeck structure of mice and men?

The structure of Of Mice and Men is cyclical – there is a sense of things happening in a certain order and being repeated. This is reflected in the way that the book starts and ends in the same place – the brush by the Salinas River.

How has Steinbeck made Slim seem so different to Curley?

Slim does not abuse the power he has, unlike Curley. Slim if fairly equal to the other men as he wears the same type of clothes, works hard and sleeps in the bunkhouse along with them. He also sleeps in the house away from the other men and this makes him think that he is superior over the other men.

What happened to Lennie’s puppy?

What happened to Lennie’s puppy? Lennie’s puppy died because he handled it too roughly; he killed it. He knows George is going to be mad, and he thinks George won’t let him tend the rabbits now.

What does Lennie’s puppy symbolize?

Lennie’s puppy is one of several symbols that represent the victory of the strong over the weak. Lennie kills the puppy accidentally, as he has killed many mice before, by virtue of his failure to recognize his own strength. Like an innocent animal, Lennie is unaware of the vicious, predatory powers that surround him.

How does Lennie kill a puppy?

Expert Answers Lennie kills his puppy purely by accident, when he strokes it too hard. This makes him utterly miserable – not just because he has killed it, but also because now he fears that George won’t led him tend the rabbits on their dream farm, as rabbits are similarly soft and vulnerable little creatures.

Why is Lennie angry at the dead puppy?

Lennie gets upset and angry at his dead puppy because he thinks that when George finds out that George won’t let Lennie tend to the rabbits anymore. Lennie becomes angry at Curley’s wife because she keeps screaming and yelling and Lennie thinks George will hear and check on him.

What plan does Lennie have to avoid getting in trouble?

What plan does Lennie have to avoid getting in trouble? Lennie was going to try to bury them or lie to George and tell him he found the puppy dead. For what does Curley’s wife yell at Lennie? Pulling her hair and being too rough.

What did Lennie do to Curley’s wife 12 who finds Curley’s wife?

What did Lennie do to Curley’s wife? Lennie broke her neck and killed her.

Why is Curley’s wife not an actress?

Curley’s Wife herself once had dreams, which began to fade away. She said this quotation after she talked briefly of her dreams. Curley’s Wife had her dreams ruined partially because her mother would not let her go become an actress.

What did Lennie lose that he wishes he had now that his Aunt Clara gave him?

What did Lennie lose that he wishes he had now? The thing Lennie lost that he wishes he had now was the velvet given to him by Aunt Clara.

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