How does the author uses personification in Here Is New York to advance his viewpoint?

How does the author uses personification in Here Is New York to advance his viewpoint?

How does the author uses personification in “Here Is New York” to advance his viewpoint? Choices: It makes the city come alive for the reader and helps readers to see New York as the author does. It makes the city come alive for the reader and helps readers to see New York as the author does.

What is the author’s purpose in here is New York?

The main idea of this long essay by a man closely associated with New York City (as the author of the New Yorker’s Talk of the Town and frequent contributor to this quintessential New York magazine) is to celebrate New York (Manhattan) in all its diversity.

Why does the author use compare and contrast in here is New York?

why does the author use compare and contrast in “here is new york”? to emphasize that New York is meant only for a specific type of person. to draw attention to the different types of New Yorkers and how they define the city. to create a platform where the writer can argue the pros and cons of commuting to the city.

Which quote from here is New York develop the author’s viewpoint that commuters do not truly experience NYC?

The quotation from Here is New York that develops the author’s viewpoint that commuters do not truly experience New York City is the third one. “He has never come suddenly on anything at all in New York as a loiterer, because he has no time between trains”.

What are the three New Yorks describe each New York in your own words?

There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter — the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night.

Which quotations from a quilt of a country develop the author’s viewpoint that America’s diversity is what unifies it?

Answer: The quotations from “A Quilt of a Nation” that develop the author’s viewpoint that America’s diversity is what unifies it are: “That’s because it was built of bits and pieces that seem discordant, like the crazy quilts that have been one of its great folk-art forms, velvet and calico and checks and brocades.

What is the main message of a quilt of a country?

The theme of a Quilt if a Country is that we need to work together with others for the good of the country. When America works week together, it is a wonder. It stands for something special in the world because it has managed to stay together as a whole rather than splitting up because of cultural differences.

What’s the main idea of a quilt of a country?

Quindlen’s central idea is that although the United States is a mix of cultures, an event like the September 11 terrorist attacks unites the population. This idea takes into account relevant social issues such as national community and harmony.

Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose in writing a quilt of a country?

Which of the following is the author’s main purpose in A Quilt Of A Country? To reflect on how America is united despite its many different ethnic groups.

What is the purpose of a quilt?

Quilts were made in those early days in America to serve a purpose, to provide warmth at night and to cover doors and windows to help reduce cold. Quilts were functional, with little time for women to create decorative quilts.

What evidence does Quindlen provide to support her claim?

How do these words, and phrases support her argument? She mentions an improbable idea. She supports it by saying that we are all from different cultures. Quindlen uses many different types of evidence throughout the argument to support her claim, for example, facts, statistics, and quotations.

What specific words and phrases does Quindlen use to link the conclusion to her introduction?

Quindlen links the conclusion to the introduction of her essay with the words “like many improbable ideas, when it works, it’s a wonder”, which is very close to her claim in the overall text, “America is an Improbable idea”, it isn’t supposed to work but it does despite all of the differences, specifically racial or …

What reasons did Anna Quindlen provide to support her claim in a quilt of a country?

Secondly, why did Anna Quindlen write a quilt of a country Brainly? Answer: to show that despite its differences, America is still a country that unites in times of strife. The reason why Anna Quindlen wrote “A Quilt of a Country” was to show how America remains united even in difficult times.

Why does Quindlen consider America an improbable idea?

Answer: Explanation: Anna Quindlen considers America to be “An improbable idea” Why? Because, mongrel nation was built and its has been changing disparate parts, it has created all men to be equal.

What does improbable idea mean?

The definition of improbable is something unlikely to happen or unlikely to be true. The idea that the sun spins around the Earth is an example of something that would be described as a improbable idea. When they are calling for a 90 percent chance of rain, this is an example of a time when sunshine is improbable.

What type of essay is a quilt of a country?

“A Quilt of a Country” is an essay written by American writer Anna Quindlen for Newsweek in the immediately aftermath of the September 11th attacks. The piece is unconventional in style and form; it is part autobiographical, part persuasive, and part expository history.

How can a reader trace how an author develops a central idea throughout a text check all that apply?

by finding the common element among the central ideas throughout the text. Explanation: A reader can trace how an author develops a central idea throughout a particular text by making sure that the central idea in each paragraph is determined, making a summary of the central idea in every paragraph.

Which is the best summary of paragraph 2 a quilt of a country?

Quindlen’s second paragraph traces a history of the United States that attends to its successes but its failures: slavery, bigotry, and socioeconomic prejudice. Despite these grim facts, Quindlen rather provocatively insists that America contains something “remarkably successful” but does not yet name it.

What is patriotism from a quilt of a country?

Which quotation from “A Quilt of a Country” best supports the answer to Part A? But patriotism is partly taking pride in this unlikely ability to throw all of us together in a country that across its length and breadth is as different as a dozen countries, and still be able to call it by one name.

What does improbable mean?

unlikely to be true or to occur

Why do you think the author calls America an improbable idea?

Answer: Anna Quindlen considers that America is “an improbable idea”, because it was created with the idea of equality between men, but it is impossible to maintain this equality within so much diversity.

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