How does the Gobi Desert affect China?

How does the Gobi Desert affect China?

To the north and west of Ancient China were two of the world’s largest deserts: the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert. These deserts also provided borders that kept the Chinese isolated from the rest of the world. This is why the Great Wall of China was built to protect the Chinese from these northern invaders.

Why is the Gobi Desert important to China?

The Gobi Desert holds historical importance as it played an important role in history as part of the great Mongol Empire, serving as the location of several important cities along the Silk Road.

How did the Yellow River affect China?

The Yellow River in Modern China In 1887, a major Yellow River flood killed an estimated 900,000 to 2 million people, making it the third-worst natural disaster in history. This disaster helped convince the Chinese people that the Qing Dynasty had lost the Mandate of Heaven.

Why is the Yellow River so important to China?

The Yellow River is the most important water resource for the dry north of China, playing an irreplaceable role in economic development, and agriculture. Since 1960 over 14 dams have been constructed on the river for hydroelectric power, which is vital to northern China’s infrastructure.

Why was the Yellow River a threat to the Chinese quizlet?

Why was the Yellow River a threat to the Chinese? It often flooded settlements in northern China. The Yellow River provided the water needed for successful wheat and millet farming, but the river also silted up and, as a result, often overflowed its banks.

How did Confucius view the class distinctions that existed in Chinese society quizlet?

How did Confucius view the class distinctions that existed in Chinese society? He minimized class distinctions and believed talent could elevate a person socially.

How did the Zhou Dynasty lose control of its kingdom choose four correct answers?

Answer: The Zhou dynasty lost control of its kingdom by: Feudal states began to gain strength as the Zhou weakened. Feudal states began to unify the poor against the Zhou.

How did Confucianism promote social mobility?

With the establishment of a national education system, the emperor encouraged students of all social classes to take part, for the “morality of the culture.” Through this system the Confucian teachings were allowed to spread and permeate throughout society.

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