
How does your distance time graph look like?

How does your distance time graph look like?

On a distance-time graph, there are no line sloping downwards. A moving object is always ‘increasing’ its total length moved with time. ‘Curved lines’ on a distance time graph indicate that the speed is changing. The object is either getting faster = ‘accelerating’ or slowing down = ‘decelerating’.

How do you show constant speed on a distance time graph?

Speed or velocity is plotted on the Y-axis. A straight horizontal line on a speed-time graph means that speed is constant. It is not changing over time. A straight line does not mean that the object is not moving!

What is acceleration on a distance time graph?

The gradient of the line of the speed-time graph is the acceleration of the particle (for straight lines acceleration is constant). A straight line on a distance-time graph represents that a particle has constant speed. Curvature suggests that a particle is accelerating or decelerating.

What does the slope of a distance time graph indicate?

The slope of a distance-time graph indicates the rate of change of distance and it is termed as speed.

What does the slope of a distance time graph gives?

Thus the slope of a distance time graph at any point gives the velocity of a particle. It is also known as the displacement per unit time. Its unit is ms−1 or metre per second.

What does the slope of a graph tell you?

In other words, the slope of the line tells us the rate of change of y relative to x. If the slope is 2, then y is changing twice as fast as x; if the slope is 1/2, then y is changing half as fast as x, and so on. In other words, if the line is near vertical then y is changing very fast relative to x.

What does the slope of a speed time graph show you?

A sloping line on a speed-time graph represents an acceleration . The sloping line shows that the speed of the object is changing. The object is either speeding up or slowing down. The steeper the slope of the line the greater the acceleration.

What does slope represent on a graph?

Slope and y-Intercept Values The slope indicates the rate of change in y per unit change in x. The y-intercept indicates the y-value when the x-value is 0.

How do you find the slope of the line in a graph?

Using the Slope Equation

  1. Pick two points on the line and determine their coordinates.
  2. Determine the difference in y-coordinates of these two points (rise).
  3. Determine the difference in x-coordinates for these two points (run).
  4. Divide the difference in y-coordinates by the difference in x-coordinates (rise/run or slope).

What is a straight line graph?

The gradient of a line is a measure of its steepness. The intercept of a line is the value where the line crosses the y-axis. The equation of a straight line is y = mx + c, where. m = gradient and c = intercept (where the line crosses the y-axis).

Why is a graph a straight line?

It always goes up in steps of the same size, so it’s a straight line. This is fine as far as it goes. It identifies the defining property of a linear function—that it has a constant rate of change—and relates that property to a geometric feature of the graph.

How do you know if a graph is a straight line?

If an equation can be rearranged into the form y = m x + c , then its graph will be a straight line.

Which plot will give a straight line?

If all curves are hyperbolas the gas obeys Boyle’s law at the given temperatures. By plotting V versus 1/P (or P versus 1/V), we obtain a straight line with slope = const. Therefore, a gas is ideal when the plot of V versus 1/P (or P versus 1/V) yields a straight line.

What would a plot of P versus 1 V?

Volume and Pressure: Boyle’s Law. When a gas occupies a smaller volume, it exerts a higher pressure; when it occupies a larger volume, it exerts a lower pressure (assuming the amount of gas and the temperature do not change). Since P and V are inversely proportional, a graph of 1/P vs. V is linear.

What data should be graphed for Boyle’s law to give a straight line?

Decreasing the applied pressure increases the volume of the gas. Note that this is not a linear relationship, the line in the graph is curved, it is not a straight line. P × V is a constant! Then a graph of V against 1/P, should be a straight line with a slope (or gradient) equal to the value of the constant.

What does Charles Law graph look like?

The graph is a straight line with a positive slope passing the origin. The equation of the line is V = kT, which is the equation of Charles’s law. The slope of the line is k. As temperature approaches zero kelvin, volume also approaches zero.

How does this graph illustrate Charles Law?

How does this graph illustrate Charles’ law? The graph shows that, as temperature increases, the volume increases linearly. 10. Sample answer: “Charles’ law is a direct relationship: as temperature increases, volume increases.

What is K in Charles Law?

A modern statement of Charles’s law is: When the pressure on a sample of a dry gas is held constant, the Kelvin temperature and the volume will be in direct proportion. T is the temperature of the gas (measured in kelvins), and k is a non-zero constant.

What is K in the ideal gas law?

Glossary. ideal gas law: the physical law that relates the pressure and volume of a gas to the number of gas molecules or number of moles of gas and the temperature of the gas. Boltzmann constant: k, a physical constant that relates energy to temperature; k = 1.38 × 10–23 J/K.

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